RE: 10 Ways a survival bracelet can save your life
I think MB is living in the past.....i do the same truth told ....but MB take a look how many millions of your countrymen are on food stamps, jobs what jobs ? its the same here....part time low pay zero hour contracts....its time for all to wake up ! and smell the coffee....the good times are long gone , tumps of shit are coming down the track, austerity measures over here are about 30 % fulfilled ...because of the GE the rest is set aside till after that that,s what we over here can look forward to even more far reaching what have you Americans got to look forward to MB ....the american dream is GONE ...i do wonder if it ever existed, america will go the same way as the former, down the pan, you will be in the best possible company ...of corrupt countries to try at world domination ....its like painting a ceiling...your on your step ladder reaching for the corner...rather than move the ladder....your confident you can get there ...then overreach and come crashing down to earth ......breaking your neck....shit happens man !
sorry guys a lot off topic but hey! live with it !
P.S. paracord is great for suspending yourself from a IBEAM say 6" off the floor !