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6 April 2015, 18:28,
RE: Scumbags
I hate to say this but after working with deranged minds for many years I always hate to see these things and examine them in a different light.

If these are young people the theft in conjunction with the needless killing of animals provides three of the basic indicators of sociopathic behavior.

In other words, killing in this manner is practice for bigger and better things. Cruelty to animals is a big indicator.

The theft indicates that they feel the rules do not apply to them.

The combination of both actions together indicates extreme risk taking excites rather than prohibits behaviors.

Lack of empathy, practice killing, ignoring social boundaries and risk taking behavior...look them up for yourself.

These whack-jobs have some real issues! Best do all you can to stop them now.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.

Messages In This Thread
Scumbags - by Tartar Horde - 6 April 2015, 13:11
RE: Scumbags - by bigpaul - 6 April 2015, 15:51
RE: Scumbags - by Devonian - 6 April 2015, 18:14
RE: Scumbags - by Mortblanc - 6 April 2015, 18:28
RE: Scumbags - by Tartar Horde - 6 April 2015, 18:55
RE: Scumbags - by Barneyboy - 6 April 2015, 20:44
RE: Scumbags - by Steve - 6 April 2015, 21:37
RE: Scumbags - by Barneyboy - 6 April 2015, 23:17
RE: Scumbags - by BeardyMan - 6 April 2015, 23:35
RE: Scumbags - by bigpaul - 7 April 2015, 11:48
RE: Scumbags - by Tartar Horde - 7 April 2015, 12:08

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