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"addicted to technology".
2 June 2015, 11:42, (This post was last modified: 2 June 2015, 11:55 by bigpaul.)
"addicted to technology".
it seems to me that because the internet and other technologies like mobile phones, and facebook and twitter, are so interwoven into modern life that should any event happen to remove such from our lives...say a shut down of the power grid or something similar (recently 2 trees fell down in Switzerland and blacked out the whole of Italy for several days)for any length of time then I can see all our modern systems unravelling, how would councils, commerce, the NHS, banks, supermarkets etc continue to function without power and computers to do all there business? I suggest they would not, maybe for a short while but ultimately they must cease, how would society continue to function, or would this lead to anarchy and ultimately societal collapse? I believe it would. the internet is a wonderful invention(for the most part) but we(society) have tended to put "all our eggs in one basket" and had no back up system if it should fail even for a short time. I can live without the internet and mobile phones if I have to but I don't believe that is the case for the majority of the population, studies have shown this to be the case.

most people seem to be so addicted to their technology that there is no way they could even function without it, so much has it invaded our lives. if such an event should happen people will go crazy without their "fix" .
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

Messages In This Thread
"addicted to technology". - by bigpaul - 2 June 2015, 11:42
RE: "addicted to technology". - by bigpaul - 2 June 2015, 16:41
RE: "addicted to technology". - by bigpaul - 2 June 2015, 17:00
RE: "addicted to technology". - by Midnitemo - 2 June 2015, 18:07
RE: "addicted to technology". - by bigpaul - 2 June 2015, 18:19
RE: "addicted to technology". - by Tarrel - 2 June 2015, 20:15
RE: "addicted to technology". - by Devonian - 3 June 2015, 12:06
RE: "addicted to technology". - by bigpaul - 3 June 2015, 15:51
RE: "addicted to technology". - by iaaems - 4 June 2015, 07:14

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