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24 October 2015, 20:19,
I was having a bit of an attack of "what if-itis", as you do, and my mind was wandering along the lines of post-events. I wondered if marmalade, or the fixings for making it, would be available. It would be quite hard to be deprived of some things, and little things can really brighten your day. Well, not a problem, you can by marmalade ingredients in cans, you just cook it. Problem solved.

Than I started to wonder about loo-paper. Quite an important item really both for the sheer comfort of it and also hygiene. I can't see the Andrex factory coming back to life after a breakdown, so decent loo paper could be off the list for a bit. Now I know that the given prepper replacements for loo paper are leaves, moss, wool, etc. etc., but if you were a town-dweller, where the hell would you get these things from? I'm not even sure that some townies even know what leaves are o.k. to use. And honestly, the only moss I have ever found is that green slimy stuff in the middle of my lawn, and there is no way that is going anywhere near my backside!

Just imagine, you had no clue about plants, it would be so easy to make a horrible mistake. Word of advice, don't use hogweed unless you have a death wish! Although this could be to your advantage if your idiot neighbour who hadn't bothered to stock up came knocking on your door.
"So sorry you are out of loopaper. Here, take my last sheet of dried hogweed. Enjoy!!"

It just seems to me that so much prepper/survival stuff is aimed at the folks who live out in the sticks rather than in towns. And it wouldn't be necessarily possible or certainly easy to gain the needed knowledge.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Messages In This Thread
Trivia - by MaryN - 24 October 2015, 20:19
RE: Trivia - by Straight Shooter - 24 October 2015, 21:01
RE: Trivia - by NorthernRaider - 24 October 2015, 21:24
RE: Trivia - by Mortblanc - 24 October 2015, 22:05
RE: Trivia - by Tartar Horde - 25 October 2015, 10:06
RE: Trivia - by bigpaul - 25 October 2015, 10:13
RE: Trivia - by NorthernRaider - 25 October 2015, 10:56
RE: Trivia - by River Song - 25 October 2015, 11:54
RE: Trivia - by bigpaul - 25 October 2015, 12:02

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