RE: Air Rifle Question, what is the......
I'm a generation older. My military service was USN in the 1970s. Did some contract work for Beltway Bandits and alphabet soup outfits for a while, also did some RDT&E and QA work in the firearms industry until the government contracts ran out and I wasn't needed anymore. When the economy tanked in 1987-88 I took what started as a "temporary" engineering position in local government, but ended up liking the work. Over 24 years ending up doing almost everything from environmental monitoring, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste management, damage assessment, through the whole post 9/11 schtick, emergency protective measures, mitigation, planning, logistics for emergency response and recovery operations, as well as at various wearing the safety, financial and training officer hat.
Now trying to live a quiet retirement far enough outside the moderate damage radius from DC that can I sit back and watch.
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia