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Under the radar or just don't stick your head up.
11 February 2013, 18:01,
RE: Under the radar or just don't stick your head up.
My thought process from the initial thread was not complete, and it's still a working progress, but as far as I can tell, since we're all already listed, then who cares about one more list?

If there's an EMP, your name will be lost on the list anyway.

If there's a massive collapse and there are riots in the streets, the police will be too busy sorting that out, to come round and take your fire arm away from you.

If there's a tsunami, really....? They'll be looking for gun owners?!?!

I genuinely believe that having thought through this, and still working it all out, it's not massively important if you get certain licenses.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
11 February 2013, 18:09,
RE: Under the radar or just don't stick your head up.
having thought about this a lot in the past, i still dont want to give Plod the excuse to come calling, even if that chance is low, i'll stick to my air rifles and bows and arrows i think, i really dont see the need of a shotgun or rifle even after TSHTF, maybe in the BIG, big cities where the gangs are but not out here in the countryside.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
11 February 2013, 19:56,
RE: Under the radar or just don't stick your head up.
Ever since being caught and getting the crap kicked out of me by some twats from 4 para on an exercise, all because I fired a blank round at the ugly gits, it made me think about the use of guns for quite a long term after TSHTF, obviously if I was in danger I would have no qualms about using a gun if one was available, butIi feel rather strongly that using an unmoderated gun for hunting or vermin control for a long period of time is more than likely going to attract the attention of others.

I do think for much of what we are going to need after TSHTF is going to be best suited to bows, crossbows and moderated air rifles.
I admit to being a bit paranoid about security in the immediate aftermath of an event that I would be even relucant to set traps and snares incase someone else found them or heard the noise a wounded rabbit makes when caught.

I greatly value SDs views and guidance but in the case of guns I dont think the state will be as stupid and incompetant as SD believes they will be, trouble is theres no way of knowing who or which way is right. But what I am sure of is the average newby prepper, or even experienced prepper but inexperienced in fieldcraft and tactical movement regardless of how good a rifle they are carrying, they are going to be eaten alive by skilled countryfolk and ex mil types many of whom will only have bows. Indeed I think quite a few of our community who go a foraging among the leaves so green are not going to come back, because that cluster of grass they have not eyeballed properly contains someone skilled with a bow and competant at cammoflage and tactical movement.

11 February 2013, 20:40,
RE: Under the radar or just don't stick your head up.

I agree that nobody knows but can you show me one instance since our government 1945 that they did something that worked as expected and had no negative consequences to the ordinary man. Out of the millions of bits of legislation they have implemented at great cost.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
11 February 2013, 20:51, (This post was last modified: 11 February 2013, 20:57 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Under the radar or just don't stick your head up.
Seatbelt law
erm !!!!

Seriously though, we all know full well that the TPB are totally inept and useless at most things BUT, The bastards rarely slip up when it comes to ensuring their own safety, wealth, status and influence. Remember in 1914 to 1918 when you were only in your teens, we were in the biggest nastiest war the rich ruling tories could come up with, but they STILL managed to ban SW radio recievers and siezed thousands, and they siezed million of guns when they thought the UK may follow Russia with a soviet style revolution. The all controlling bastards always ensure that any risk to their lifestyle and influence is always very well protected.

Make a hostile noise about the Royals in much of central London and find yourself in broadmoor indefinately without trial, just section 8 and wallop your gone, You never hear of any cuts in the security budgets for protecting the ruling elite, They may sell the country out but they will ensure their own continuity. Protecting themselves from us is the only thing I'm sure they are expert at.

I think it was John Locke on one of the earlier forums who said every registered fire arms registered address was flagged on the PNC so if an incident occured at said address and cops were sent there they knew in advance that guns were kept at that address. Wont take much to use that PNC to print of a list for siezure, but again as you rightly point out theres no sure fire way of knowing.
All we can sensibly do is plan accordingly IE dont make fire arms and shotguns our primary hunting / vermin control tools, plan on bows etc, and when TSHTF if they dont sieze your guns then great but at least if you have a different primary system you wont get burnt.

My anti establishment paranoia will continue to keep me away from stuff that needs licencing Smile

11 February 2013, 20:59,
RE: Under the radar or just don't stick your head up.
I would have thought...being on here posting like crazy....someone somewhere already got us flagged up..
11 February 2013, 21:58,
RE: Under the radar or just don't stick your head up.
(11 February 2013, 20:59)Straight Shooter Wrote: I would have thought...being on here posting like crazy....someone somewhere already got us flagged up..

So why not get those licenses? If you're on a list, then who cares?

The thing is, we all know we'd use the guns for hunting food. I'm not going to shoot someone. I'm more rescue oriented than anything else. So a gun for me would be a tool for food and vermin control.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
11 February 2013, 22:30,
RE: Under the radar or just don't stick your head up.
If I am understanding NR right, its not so much about being on a list, he excepts that I think, its about being on certain lists,..and he is probably right,.. the ptb are not going to go through all lists, wasting time checking your national ins number,.. but if they feel threatened, then the list of gun owners might well come up in their minds

there are so many lists, that its a complete impossibility to stay off many of them,... but why increase your profile by getting yourself on the more militant lists

My own view is that I would go for the license, when the SHTF and if they come around looking for it,..its hidden and I sold it ages ago
A major part of survival is invisibility.
11 February 2013, 22:41,
RE: Under the radar or just don't stick your head up.
I got pulled up one night in the car by Plod for something. Just parked outside when i was called over. I went into the car and was asked a few questions. Once my details were given an operator responded by saying there were firearms registered to me there. Plod asked if I had any on me. They didn't seem that bothered and just looked away when I said No.

Regarding the seizures. Things were different then. People cooperated and were supportive because it was for the country. Now they would need a armed convoy to go around collecting all the weapons and once the info was out some of the later stops wouldn't be quite as productive.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
12 February 2013, 09:56,
RE: Under the radar or just don't stick your head up.
as far as guns are concerned, i hear people shooting all the time in the countryside, you'd be surprised just how far the sound carries, for that reason and that reason only i will stick to my air rifle and bow and arrows post SHTF.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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