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Offering help
11 March 2014, 02:17, (This post was last modified: 11 March 2014, 02:19 by Bulletscott.)
RE: Offering help
I know something is coming, the mainstream media is bias and I am very opinionated on that and try and keep up to date with things that are effecting me,

although I openly admit the most ive done towards prepping so far is become abit of a gear geek but i am constantly trying to research and better myself and my survival chances, which is why i personally would like a meet up so i can learn.
My job is very demanding and get little time off which greatly impedes on my prepping and what i want to do. I just wish i had the bollock to give it all up and live a simplier life and get myself a homestead on some rural land etc and focus 24/7 on self sufficiency
ive scouted and visited various BOL close to home and further a field as well as looked into bugging in.
I am also torn on what is best as the whole community thing is i feel you need a wide range of skills to survive or have all the bases covered too much for one person to learn (i as touched on before about medical professional etc) but at the same time if you have a 'community' then thats harder to keep a low profile out of sight out of mind so to speak.
and i know what NR and RW mean as the few people i have spoke to are like 'cant wait for SHTF so we can go round in a gang and raid houses and stuff'

anyways again i appreciate the messages of support and advice and will continue on little by little and will most likely take BDG up on his offer Big Grin

Also going to the bushcraft show this year cant with for that, looked into WG and that looks awesome maybe next year Big Grin
11 March 2014, 10:03,
RE: Offering help
""My job is very demanding and get little time off which greatly impedes on my prepping and what i want to do. I just wish i had the bollock to give it all up and live a simplier life and get myself a homestead on some rural land etc and focus 24/7 on self sufficiency ""

Guess who answered his own question, and already knows which route he really wants to take, you clearly are not going to be happier, more content and feel more secure until you change direction in part at least.

11 March 2014, 13:46,
RE: Offering help
I totally agree NR however my missus would never go for it so im trying to get the best of both worlds which is obviously not great and when the time comes I wont be as prepared as I would like, atm its more of a hobby but I would love it to be a lifestyle however its just not practical
11 March 2014, 13:54, (This post was last modified: 11 March 2014, 13:58 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Offering help
Take your time and find some middle ground compromise, so long as it includes gradual movement away from the centre of town.

Some of us still live on estates in normal type homes, I do, we are not all rich like those up in Scotland,Smile, But you can consider getting proper water filters in like Berkfields, buying a couple of solar panels, solar or crank charged radios, archery gear for PA hunting and security, growing SOME of your own food, perhaps getting an allotment or building a pond for food fish, improving your domestic security, creating BOBS, getting a better vehicle, getting HOW TO books, doing interesting hobby courses etc. 99% of prepping is small stuff or simple contingency planning.

11 March 2014, 14:01,
RE: Offering help
thanks mate its something im constantly looking into
11 March 2014, 22:12,
RE: Offering help
Scott, meet with BDG. He'll teach you a lot.

If you're looking at doing prepping and having a normal life...congrats on keeping a balance that works for you.

Personally, I'm a fan of living cheaply, but making as much money as possible and getting that money put into prepping and other investments. The more money you have, the more land you can buy! But don't focus on what everyone else has or doesn't have.

Look at where you are, what you do to make money, how you spend it, how you will spend it (kids get more expensive as they get older, as an example of how you WILL spend it), then look at what's within your means, and maybe look to expand your means. But more importantly, look to expand your mind and skill set. These can be done pretty cheaply, if not for free.

You can build gear if you're on a budget. Also, look at a few good quality items, and they'll cover a load of bases! Ask MCavity about his new knife, or Danzord about his new views of bugging out gear. A few items that work and you can use, is much better than a load you know nothing about.

But do what's right for you and yours. I prepped in secret for a while from my wife (still do haha. She doesn't go into the loft...thank goodness!!!) But if you have to keep a low profile, there's nothing wrong with hiding preps. It's the smart way to live.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin

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