RE: Realisation
In the past year I have lost much of my pear shape. The exercise bike sitting in front of the window now has 3000 miles more on the clock than it did when I bought it last year.
I am down 25kg during that time.
I have also been called to embrace the I phone. I had to switch plans and a new phone came free. With that new phone I discovered a larger screen for easier texting, the ability to use the phone just like you do your "Pad", sat-nav on the phone, walie-talkie apps, google access for checking wild claims at the liars' club, music of my own choice at any time and all of the apps one could ever imagine, and hundreds of games if one is into that. I also have video, photographs, and audio recording functions so I can sit in a meeting and record or video the proceedings with the phone in my shirt pocket.
Personally, I think it is the games on the phone that cause people the most trouble, not text or talking. 3/4 of the people you see with their nose buried in the screen are actually playing Candyland.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.