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What we should know "Virus" and be doing.
26 May 2020, 22:48,
RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing.
(17 May 2020, 14:34)Straight Shooter Wrote: Nemesis , there was no need for that mate ! You put a member at risk just to try and prove a point , I thought you were better than that.......not on old chap ! .

I agree I was out of order but I was not trying to prove a point, I just dislike the fellow he trashes threads like no tomorrow done it for years, worse then "MB" LOL and never offered anything to any forum I have seen him on, so yes saying his name was wrong on my part, can it be removed?, I just had a history with him I do not like racist and he is one and I don't like people that want to nuke a city just because they don't like it, the mans sick in the head for his views, look hard enough on this forum you will see him talking about nuke London and many other comments.

Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self    ཨོཾ་མ་ཎི་པདྨེ་ཧཱུྃ
26 May 2020, 23:42,
RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing.
Well that is definitely the strangest apology I have ever witnessed, read, or heard.

Sort of like telling someone you are sorry you shot them but they should not have been in the way of the bullet.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
27 May 2020, 08:41,
RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing.
The thing is Nem , you exposed a member, anonymity lost you gave him up , just because you do not like him ? Not only that but you continue to rip into the guy ....and MB in your latest post ? WHY ? This makes you dangerous how could anyone on here or any other forum trust you again ! .
28 May 2020, 16:37,
RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing.

A simple Mea Culpa would be sufficient

If not, it might be the right thing to lock this thread and move on

As we appear to be moving to a stage of possible recovery,
what do you thinl the culture is going to look like soon

20 June 2020, 20:56,
RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing.
(21 May 2020, 14:19)Pete Grey Wrote: After two months lockdown and with the prospect of an other two before things get to a slight semblance of normality, providing there is no second spike of covid cases and it may be safe enough for us, as being classed as vulnerable (we’re oldies), to venture out shopping.

I know we may soon have to restock on a few things, some fresh food items but as yet we have not touched any canned or dry SHTF reserves. We are down a little on prescription meds, these will come by post so no problem.

Some household consumables are down a little, no real problem. I have one or two building projects in mind but these will have to wait until I get some more materials, i should have put some timber in stock, assorted sizes. So for when it is safer I need a list.

Now we are more than three months isolation and with covid cases in steady decline I am thinking of possibly shopping for the odds and ends it’s awkward or inconvenient to get off the internet.

For example it took me two hours looking through boxes to find a half inch tap washer (the very last one and it took two minutes to fit), but things like this can be a pain in the butt if you need one and are in self isolation. Now may the time to go through the nearest hardware store and throw as much useful stuff in the trolley as i can.

Shelter, security, water, food, cooking, heating, lighting, first aid, medication, communication, power, transport.
21 June 2020, 00:03,
RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing.
Pete our isolation has been a bit different than yours but it appears that you are restricting yourself more than the "recommendations" and that is your choice and right.

If you are going out for hardware let me make a suggestion which guided me through the restrictions.

When I went out the door I had a list of purchases to make and a schedule for when to go to which stores. One thing they did here was post the times when the stores were in heaviest use you we seniors could avoid those times.

When I left the house I wear a mask and I do not remove it until I return home and wash my hands. Sanitizer is in the vehicle with me and I use it when returning to the vehicle from each store. Alcohol in a spray bottle will work too.

I also have disinfectant and paper towels for washing down shopping trolleys before I enter the store.

I would make one trip out, get all my established needs, by the list, in one trip and not have to go back out for another two week interval.

Wearing a mask is now an established thing and no one thinks a bit over it or looks at you like you are strange. It is now part of life even though some resist the use. I will probably wear a mask when shopping for the remainder of my days. Just because this flu has not gotten me does not mean the next one will skip me.

Many of our stores are now offering a standard pick up service, even the hardware shops and small shops, so that you can call in a need or a list of needs, pull up to the door and they will bring the delivery out to the vehicle. That has become part of life here too.

You are going to have to go outside and mingle sooner or latter. That first trip can be a bit of a struggle but you get accustomed to the precautions eventually and they become the norm.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
21 June 2020, 22:20,
RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing.
Yes MB, we decided to follow the government recommendation for the over seventies, complete isolation. We are after all set up to hunker down after an event, it’s not really been difficult, as we have been able to get more or less everything extra delivered as and when we wanted.

We have plenty masks and sanitizer and i use a hand sprayer with methylated spirit which i use on ALL that comes into the house.

If we are unlucky enough to have a second wave, most likely in September, we are planning a minimum six month isolation, so we will definitely be topping up our preps. By then we will have some home grown fruit and veg.

It would not cost too much to get in more of the basics, rice, pasta, flour, cereals, powdered milk, packets of soup, cooking oil and some more canned meat, corned beef, stewed steak, chicken breast. Both freezers are chock full.

As i’ve said i need some hardware bits and pieces, also timber, roofing felt, paint, for winter maintenance and gardening stuff, insecticide, weed killer, seeds etc. Pretty well everything else we need we can get delivered.

The main problem over the winter will probably be boredom when there is nothing to do in the garden.

Everyone take care and keep safe.

Shelter, security, water, food, cooking, heating, lighting, first aid, medication, communication, power, transport.
27 June 2020, 05:00,
RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing.
This might strike error into the hearts of some here but yesterday I had to go to the Dr's office. You guys would call it the "surgery" I suppose.

I was having some intense pain in the old shoulder and it would not go away and was getting worse daily. Something had to be done.

The trip was very enlightening. When I made the appointment I went through a phone screening. Before I was allowed inside they took my temp and did a second screening. They gave me a mast to replace the one I had and sprayed me down with a mist disinfectant.

I put on the mask and sat down to wait for a few moments. Chairs were about 2 meters apart and few people were present.

One man sat holding his mask in his hand and the nurse asked him to please put it on. He apologized and said he did not realize he needed too. She very politely asked him what rock he had been living under for the past 4 months to not know we were in the middle of a pandemic? He then took about ten minutes to figure out how to get the mask over his face and tied behind his head. Right then I was reminded that I am in Kentucky.

When I got into the exam room to speak with the Dr I told him I was nervous about being there and he cautioned me that he had only had one case of CV come through the office in the past 4 months and they caught that one at the door and they did not get inside.

There have been fewer than 50 cases in my county and only three deaths that were attributed to CV. All three at old age care centers.

Statistically I am safer at the urgent care office than I am shopping at Walmart for groceries.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
27 June 2020, 20:59,
RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing.
Similar experience here with the dentist. Park outside the building, call the receptionist using my mobile phone, receptionist comes out to my car, wearing mask and gloves, carrying a bucket of supplies. She asks me the screening questions, scans me with a temporal scanning thermometer, squirts hand sanitizer into my palms, hands me a mask and leads me straight to the hygenist who is wearing smock, gloves, N95 mask and full face shield. They fit a suction fixture into my mouth to prevent spray and to hold my mouth open while using the ultrasonic de-scaler, halfway through turn the fixture around to do the other side, take xrays, then the dentist comes in to do routine exam. All is well, and away I go.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
28 June 2020, 20:44,
RE: What we should know "Virus" and be doing.
Just a thought here, but some of us have been out and about more, or had intrusions into our homes like deliveries and repair visits during this period.

As is being noted of late, everyone has to come out eventually and the germ will still be there.

How many here feel that they have been exposed to someone with CV and and you did not catch the disease?

In this case that old friend the immune system would be the caretaker since there is no vaccine.

It would also be the reason one person catches the bug and another does not as well as the reason one person develops a severe case and another person a light case.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.

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