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The Bug OUt Caravan
24 February 2021, 10:30,
RE: The Bug OUt Caravan
but bugging out to where? all land in the UK is owned by someone, unless you own it you will be a refugee.
see my previous post about roads.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
24 February 2021, 14:15,
RE: The Bug OUt Caravan
Probably the safest way would on foot to a predetermined BOL and stocked in advance especially if you are late, I don’t care what vehicle you have , you will be seen or heard miles away , do you honestly think you are not going to be stopped , forced off the road , ambushed , or even your police or army ....I mean caravans are you going to turn around ? When you see something suspicious or six guys with shotguns ....same would apply with a motor home , towing a trailer, and vans or lorry just as well put a big sign on the side saying ....I have food,water,water filter , spare fuel , solar setups , medical supplies , and more baked beans than I could possibly need short to stand any chance you would have to be in place early ! Any hesitation , will cost you for sure .

Secure a good BOL before hand and plan how you get there route wise and on foot , set some caches along the route.......even four wheel drives are not the answer......that’s only in your head.
24 February 2021, 15:21,
RE: The Bug OUt Caravan
once the stores are empty and the power goes down everyone irrespective of who they are or what they have is going to be walking, or bicycling at best which carries its own risks.
how much food and water can anyone carry? water weighs 1LB per pint, tins are heavy, meal packs are lighter.
and how fast can anyone walk? remember they will be walking at the rate of the slowest person, could be grand dad or it could be a young child, average is around 3 or 4 miles an hour, less as you get older and if your carrying a heavy load, if you can average 12 miles a day you'll be doing well.
it'll be surprising if anyone gets where they plan going, most wont even get half way.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
25 February 2021, 12:52,
RE: The Bug OUt Caravan
(24 February 2021, 14:15)Straight Shooter Wrote: Probably the safest way would on foot to a predetermined BOL and stocked in advance especially if you are late, I don’t care what vehicle you have , you will be seen or heard miles away , do you honestly think you are not going to be stopped , forced off the road , ambushed , or even your police or army ....I mean caravans are you going to turn around ? When you see something suspicious or six guys with shotguns ....same would apply with a motor home , towing a trailer, and vans or lorry just as well put a big sign on the side saying ....I have food,water,water filter , spare fuel , solar setups , medical supplies , and more baked beans than I could possibly need short to stand any chance you would have to be in place early ! Any hesitation , will cost you for sure .

Secure a good BOL before hand and plan how you get there route wise and on foot , set some caches along the route.......even four wheel drives are not the answer......that’s only in your head.

100% agree with you SS.

Well equipped transport will get targeted, under equipped vehicles will get turned around and sent back to where they came from.

Every day my dog alerts me to my wife's imminent arrival home from work. He hears and can identify her little car over 2 miles away. Several minutes later even I can hear and see it from a point about a mile out.

This winter we had regular snowfall and laying snow for over three weeks. Even when temperature and conditions deter all but the most crazy ( like me and my dog) its enlightening to see tracks in the snow in even the most remote areas of our daily forages. Foot tracks and tyre tracks reach the most remote areas and do so regularly. My estimation is that any bug out caravan would be located and drawing attention within 24 hours of its arrival... thats in normal dry conditions, if wet or worse snowy, its tracks would give it away even sooner.
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
25 February 2021, 17:39,
RE: The Bug OUt Caravan
Every bug out situation is not apocalyptic, look at Bush/ forest fires in Australia or California, would the Police be blocking the road and turning people back? Did the Police turn back people when they left Fukushima?
Most preppers quantify the severity of an event and in some situations yes the roads will be blocked, more so if you leave late but I don’t see every situation at this level. In fact it’s a very interesting thread in its own right.
25 February 2021, 21:09,
RE: The Bug OUt Caravan
Yes I agree Joe there can and will be many scenarios at different levels of severity , what I see and predict is many sheeple ...even preppers will be caught out in a mad dash out of dodge in SHTF event caravan is equipped for such a events ......all of the time ! 247365 so no matter where we are we are covered to a degree even the Land Rover.......just like any other on here..........but I am talking in terms of Holidays or short trips while being IN the caravan .
27 February 2021, 21:43,
RE: The Bug OUt Caravan
(25 February 2021, 21:09)Straight Shooter Wrote: Yes I agree Joe there can and will be many scenarios at different levels of severity , what I see and predict is many sheeple ...even preppers will be caught out in a mad dash out of dodge in SHTF event caravan is equipped for such a events ......all of the time ! 247365 so no matter where we are we are covered to a degree even the Land Rover.......just like any other on here..........but I am talking in terms of Holidays or short trips while being IN the caravan .

This mirrors our bug out thoughts SS, the camper is always set up with a months supplies for holidays, or a possible local event making our home inhabitable for a short time. If TSHTF while we are on holiday it gives us a start.

If at home we see society starting to break down we go to full BO mode as in the PGs Camper post, then we will head to friends in mid Wales with all our crates of preps (we have caches already there).

Likewise the car normally our get home vehicle is set up to sustain us for three or four days but we could use it for bugging out with extra crates.

However if there is an sudden unexpected event, bugging out may be difficult, but the safest option if there is rioting and looting in our area.

Difficult decisions on whether to bug in or out need a risk assessment when ALL information of an event is known, local and national, then we decide what to do.
28 February 2021, 13:28,
RE: The Bug OUt Caravan
Thing is Pete , there is no one answer when you boil it all down , We will have to live with the decisions we make and base those decisions on knowledge and experience along with information gained from this very forum .....views from other members may differ most of the time which is a good state of affaires....not to force a opinion or view , rather a rethink may be in order to consolidate a given view for the individual , I have plenty of rethinking and indeed changed my view or plan dew mostly to other members that can make more sense of a given subject under discussion .

No one person can have all the correct answers or wrong ones , ultimately it will come down to the individuals decision of how they react to anything and mostly common sense ....informed common sense is much much better.
28 February 2021, 14:00,
RE: The Bug OUt Caravan
I think bugging out is something city preppers and those in the large urban sprawls need to think about.
not us folks already living in the rural areas, we have already bugged out from the cities, I know I have.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
28 February 2021, 14:13,
RE: The Bug OUt Caravan
Agreed BP ........but even so we have to consider BO as a option even we are not immune to the reality it could come to visit us .

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