Scythe13 = Scout Leader
I don't know how I forgot this, but guess who's going to be a Scout Leader soon.....?
Yeah, you're damn right it's me. If you didn't know that, then your interpretation of the title of this thread is a little weak.
It's going to be great fun working with these kids. I'll be building my own group of preppers haha.
They're going to learn mad skills and stuff like that, as well as personal responsibility when dealing/playing with knives.
They're going to learn loads of survival skills, as well as normal stuff like maintaining a bike, making food, and all that other stuff that is important, but lacks the adrenalin reaction.
It's going to be a good opportunity to teach kids that life is a load of fun, and that morals and ethics are just as important as anything else.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin