10 June 2021, 14:06,
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RE: WEF - investing in forests program
I have grown potatoes in tyre towers for the last 20+ years, this year I am using a large round plastic container and the results look to be pretty good, coming on well.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
11 June 2021, 18:26,
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RE: WEF - investing in forests program
You have posted on the wrong thread again Paul.
Food production is half way down the forums list.
This thread is about the existence of a ruling class during every era, no matter what they are called, and how they manipulate the other ranks of social order using either force, fear, or media influence.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
12 June 2021, 08:04,
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RE: WEF - investing in forests program
(11 June 2021, 18:26)Mortblanc Wrote: You have posted on the wrong thread again Paul.
Food production is half way down the forums list.
This thread is about the existence of a ruling class during every era, no matter what they are called, and how they manipulate the other ranks of social order using either force, fear, or media influence.
I was replying to a post on this thread by LAC.
any "ruling class" post a modern SHTF event will be relegated to a city area, without electricity and fuel any influence they wield will be a relatively small area, most non city areas will be cut off from the rest of the country once the first storms hit and there is nobody to repair fallen bridges, remove landslides, repair damaged roads and remove fallen trees.
putting all resources on computers means those same resources will not be available when the computers links go down.
there will be one enormous difference between the effect an event or events have on modern existence than they did on times long gone.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
12 June 2021, 22:04,
RE: WEF - investing in forests program
FFS MB .......chill out man ! ........I do it all the time ......and I don’t know I’m doing it .... mind you , I’m as thick as two short planks........having said that .....I am stunningly and extremely good looking ....I don’t think I have ever mentioned this before ! But hey .
15 June 2021, 18:20,
Posts: 44
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RE: WEF - investing in forests program
Quote:we need all the trees we can get, trees are the lungs of the planet and if we are to survive climate change
Yes, I know it's from an old post but do people still think this way? Is climate change an issue we should concern ourselves over? Apart from being total bollox, if we ever did get warmer weather all it would do is help us all survive in a SHTF world - a warm world is easily survived much better than a cold one!
As for trees being the lungs..... that has long been discredited and re-assigned to the oceans.
But on-topic, trees form a large part of my life given I live in a forest! Our home is already woodstove-powered so heating costs are around £50/year (scavenging licence fee) and I work a lot with machined wood - lots of self-built outbuildings etc. SO anything to do with increasing the number of trees is always welcomed although given my location that's not really an issue - most of the trees around here are grown for harvesting.
15 June 2021, 22:13,
RE: WEF - investing in forests program
As you said total bollocks nuff said
16 June 2021, 08:29,
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RE: WEF - investing in forests program
I believe in climate change, the warming of the planet not the political crap that comes with it.
when too much of the polar ice caps melt it pushes fresh water into the oceans, all that fresh water will make the Gulf Stream collapse and the UK and Europe will go into another ice age.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
16 June 2021, 22:15,
Skean Dhude
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RE: WEF - investing in forests program
The climate changes every day. It was sunny yesterday and now it isn't its colder and even rained for a bit.
It is nothing to worry about. We all appear to have survived todays extreme change in climate.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
16 June 2021, 22:21,
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RE: WEF - investing in forests program
The climate is always changing and yes, the ice caps will likely melt at some time in the future - just as they did in past history. The difference is that today we have scaremongers claiming that this is going to happen imminently - claims of a climate crisis? who says so? No competent scientist I've ever read has said this - it's pure theatre.
Some even say the world is going to end in 2050 (or whatever) based on zero credible evidence. Same goes for an extinction event. BS. All of it.
Instead of worrying about events we can't control (climate) they need to work on events we can - deliberate economic collapse, global war, fake pandemics etc.
I blame the media. It is only via 24/7 propaganda that many people are fooled into believing some of the idiotic theories punted by the likes of the BBC.
The only thing I've prepped for in the event of climate change is a new bucket and spade for sandcastle making.
17 June 2021, 08:11,
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RE: WEF - investing in forests program
even a 1 degree or 1.5 degree rise in temperature could have an effect on our way of life, more droughts in summer, more flooding in winter, soil erosion-already happening in some places,lots of things could happen in what might to some be a minor rise.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.