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4 March 2022, 19:33,
RE: Ukraine
(4 March 2022, 15:21)bigpaul Wrote: another Russian lover.

Big Pail was that particular Hegelian Dialectic aimed at me - Ajax? If so you might want to resight your scope. Russia are a pawn in the game as is Ukraine. I don't care about either country as they are tools, as is the UK. I care about what is left after all the pieces on t he board have been moved. Only that.
4 March 2022, 19:43,
RE: Ukraine
Well Ajax , you have certainly put me straight and firmly in my place ! And yes this kiddo is not only keeping up ...but way out in front even .....I am sorry your pals no longer need or want your company these days ...and I do understand’s their loss .

I have more understanding than you afford me .....put me down if you need to ....I don’t care a bit , if it eases your frustrations ......I know all about that one believe me ! for name calling ....let that wash over your head , you must understand everyone else is probably as frustrated as you or I ......trying to score points on another is futile and a waste of everyone’s time . SS
4 March 2022, 19:54,
RE: Ukraine
(4 March 2022, 19:16)MaryN Wrote: Actually, Ajax, I have a very good idea what you are talking about. I get pretty much the same sort of, well, instinctive feeling that something's heading down the track. I call it my "Bells of Elfland" moment. Prepping wasn't in my realm a few years ago, but it certainly is now!

Mary N - do not compromise yourself. Just answer inside your head. If you feel it is safe, just give general info. Just read and feel if any of the following resonates with you.
I'll go first because I know what I am here to do and it is long term and I will not be touched.

I come from a very long line of Celts and Vikings.
I can give my blood to others to save their wonderful life, but the blood of others WILL kill me.
I can do things that I have never been taught.
I am drawn to older and more ancient ways of doing things.
I have a greater knowledge of physics than I ever studied, my family were physicists/engineers and my friends were nuclear scientists. I was an avionics engineer but that feels like a different life ago now.
I am drawn to nature.
I like plants/growth/outside/birds.
I can feel the Schuman resonance and know how to counter it.
I know that since 2019 nothing will be the same again.
I know the change can be countered but only if there is enough will.

MaryN-please keep listening to the quiet voice that speaks to you in your heart. You may prove instrumental for the freedom of mankind.
Know my thoughts are with you. Please send a private message (if that is a thing here) should you feel moved to do so.
4 March 2022, 20:59,
RE: Ukraine
(4 March 2022, 19:43)Straight Shooter Wrote: Well Ajax , you have certainly put me straight and firmly in my place ! And yes this kiddo is not only keeping up ...but way out in front even .....I am sorry your pals no longer need or want your company these days ...and I do understand’s their loss .

I have more understanding than you afford me .....put me down if you need to ....I don’t care a bit , if it eases your frustrations ......I know all about that one believe me ! for name calling ....let that wash over your head , you must understand everyone else is probably as frustrated as you or I ......trying to score points on another is futile and a waste of everyone’s time . SS

Straight Shooter I apologise unreservedly if you took my post that way. You have mentioned information that I also watch. Dammit, at this point I consider you a cousin! I wish you were my brother, in fact! We are pretty much on the same page here, dude.
Yes, you read frustration but it was never aimed at you, mate.
Is this a prepper site? Well I thought so. Did I come here to share info? I did. I know beyond doubt you did too. You have made comments on some of the stuff I have posted and you have seen what has been said here and the comments (this thread is a good enough example, right?) Do you see the dismissive posts from others? Do you see the way they rubbish the things they do not understand? Any 'kiddo' remark was aimed at the folks who rubbish the things they do not understand. The 'kiddo' remark was not aimed at you per se, just the ones who would read your comments over mine, mate.
I never needed to put you right Straight Shooter as your aim is right on target.
You know (probably in your heart) what is coming down this pipeline, as do I and it is bad.
I think you mentioned family who don't wanna listen to you; yeah, my friends and neighbours too - all my family are dead.
Okay, so I stared getting dreams. A lot of them made me cry - I never want another soul to see the stuff I saw in my dreams. I was an engineer, for goodness sake, my life was all about math and physics but the stuff I saw made me hit my knees and beg for a way out - not for me but for humanity.
I'm sure the commenters will rubbish this post too.
So ... I consider you to be my cousin. If any of us make it through then I'll be very glad to see you. I don't know if there is a private message thing here,; even if there was, I would not know how to work it.
Build a forge? No prob.
Build a kiln? No prob.
Plough with horses? No prob.
Messaging on alien tech? Erm.. sorry nope.
In my heart, you're still my cousin.
4 March 2022, 22:36,
RE: Ukraine
Ajax, you're either a complete head case or a F***ing Genius!

Seriously though, your thought provoking words terrify and amuse me at the same time.

I do understand some of the deeper stuff you're saying, and maybe others here do too but just don't talk about it much.

I'm just a humble guy that has learned a few skills, but I constantly question how it will be in shtf? Although I think most here agree a slow shtf has been going on for a long time now, but what would a sudden more intense one really be like? During covid all of the predictions about sheeple behaviour played out, got enough bog roll boy? Oh yes a whole trollies worth, oh that's nice, do you have enough food to wipe off with it? Errrr glazy eyed look. I watched one guy in the early days of covid when the shelves started to clear just sort of hovering around the bread and rolls, picking this, then picking that, then putting back, then grabbing others, totally panicked and totally clueless, it was just total animal instinct behaviour.

I like you also feel like I'm being driven and guided to this thing called prepping, call it ancestral, call it spiritual, call it memory genes, or maybe a combination of all of those things? And I still don't know if there really is a deeper reason to it or not, but I strongly feel there is. Maybe that time is now fast approaching when we will know...
Ịn the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king!
4 March 2022, 23:43,
RE: Ukraine
Ajax ,anyone can make a mistake like I obviously have apologies ... Misunderstandings can and do get lost unintentionally in the power of the written word ....that said a recent example I will sight here is my post on this thread (14) and missing out one word ( reserve ) ....the result by MB reply ( 16) he realises my mistake and even half corrects it in one line ......then proceeds to use maths to discredit my post in the next paragraph for the 60% this was revised up to 70% these are official figures of the US government ....after ten years on this forum I did expect better ....that did have the desired affect and pissed me off big time ....and for good measure I am hysterical and freaking out ! Maybe it was my time to be knocked down a few pegs ....who knows ? I do not want special treatment ....just mutual respect ....however I hope he returns , he has worth and loads to offer here ! for your thoughts and insights Ajax we are on the same hymn sheet ....every word of it ! But some members do not talk of it much on here .....for fear of ridicule or lack of understanding ....we must take their views onboard with equal understanding they deserve and have the right of reply even if we do not agree or like it ...that is how it should work .....SS
5 March 2022, 10:08,
RE: Ukraine
(4 March 2022, 19:33)Ajax Wrote:
(4 March 2022, 15:21)bigpaul Wrote: another Russian lover.

Big Pail was that particular Hegelian Dialectic aimed at me - Ajax? If so you might want to resight your scope. Russia are a pawn in the game as is Ukraine. I don't care about either country as they are tools, as is the UK. I care about what is left after all the pieces on t he board have been moved. Only that.

I apologise if I am wrong, but the post I replied to sounded like the writings of a Russian troll.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
5 March 2022, 10:46,
RE: Ukraine
I think the problem here is, as SS says, that chaps just do not discuss the more esoteric side of.. well, anything, and there is a lot of shuffling of feet and throat clearing. However, I would like to point out that...there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio.......
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
6 March 2022, 10:11,
RE: Ukraine
Putin now threatening Britain directly because of the sanctions and our support of Ukraine.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
6 March 2022, 10:39,
RE: Ukraine
BP ....what did you expect him to do ? Sneeze and cough over us ! .....all he is doing is exactly what we would and have done .

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