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If the balloon goes up
6 March 2022, 22:23,
If the balloon goes up
Putin presses the button and the West responds.
Do you want to survive?
How long will you last?
Will it be better to die in the blast or face the horror of nuclear fallout over a drawn-out period?

I have a location that should keep me safe from the worst, I have 12 month supply of food and a water source designed for such an event, depending on how much wind and sunlight there is I should be warm dry, lit and ventilated.
But I'm not sure I want to live under those conditions and after 12 months will life be worth living anyway.
FWIW I don't see this happening this time.
6 March 2022, 22:51,
RE: If the balloon goes up
Harry if your bunker location is in the Uk then it’s not great. What fall out levels are you expecting?
6 March 2022, 23:15,
RE: If the balloon goes up
(6 March 2022, 22:23)harryhotspur Wrote: Putin presses the button and the West responds.
Do you want to survive?
How long will you last?
Will it be better to die in the blast or face the horror of nuclear fallout over a drawn-out period?

I have a location that should keep me safe from the worst, I have 12 month supply of food and a water source designed for such an event, depending on how much wind and sunlight there is I should be warm dry, lit and ventilated.
But I'm not sure I want to live under those conditions and after 12 months will life be worth living anyway.
FWIW I don't see this happening this time.

A guy pushes a button...okay what is he launching? Kilo or mega tonnes? Where is it pointing and what does it hit?
You know much of this stuff is survivable, right? Where is the strike point or points? What is the yield? How far away from the mess are you? Which way is the wind blowing? Is it raining? All this matters. Best advice - get your arse indoors and do not go out for a few weeks. If you HAVE to go out, then take all outer layers off (thin plastic decorator suits are best) bag them and bury them well away from where you live and shower gently - do not scrub your skin, do not make it bleed, do not use conditioner - just wash gently with a tiny scraping of soap. Bag the soap remnant and bury it - not where you live. Take your Potassium Iodide daily. Eat what you have stored in the house. Do not panic. Drink your apple juice.
Unless some deranged manic starts flinging hypersonic equivalent of Tsar Bomba at us - I think we'll manage.
You are a human being. You are amazing. Your ability to not only manage but to get through and excel is amazing. Do not sell yourself short. Do not despair. Do not worry.
You posted here. Many of us have considered this same thing. Many have already taken steps. Even if the very worse happens, you will find pals who did the same as you - don't eat each other guys! Life always finds a way. Listen to your heart ... unless it says eat other folks in which case feel free to kill yourself.
7 March 2022, 00:38,
RE: If the balloon goes up
(6 March 2022, 22:51)Joe Wrote: Harry if your bunker location is in the Uk then it’s not great. What fall out levels are you expecting?

Yes UK. I'm thinking of a full-on nuclear war because if this does kick-off that is the only outcome.
7 March 2022, 01:16,
RE: If the balloon goes up
What levels are you expecting? Taking into account we could have up to 14,000 detonations.
7 March 2022, 10:29,
RE: If the balloon goes up
unlikely we would have that many detonations in the UK, it would only take a handful to "bracket" the entire country, and then they are mostly going to be centred on administrative areas and military centres, Whitehall for obvious reasons and army camps and a few big cities, if someone is in the main target area they will be incinerated, blast areas will have major consequences, but if you are in a rural area free of any major targets then you might just might have a chance of surviving the onslaught.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
7 March 2022, 12:30,
RE: If the balloon goes up
(7 March 2022, 01:16)Joe Wrote: What levels are you expecting? Taking into account we could have up to 14,000 detonations.
I was asking if you would want to survive and how long do you think you could?
7 March 2022, 13:56,
RE: If the balloon goes up
If it was full scale Harry , then NO .....we all would have no chance or choice more to the point ......unless you are one of the elite ...2 miles underground with 20years supply of food and water along with a power plant and a means to grow fruit n veg .....they Will have everything , full med team ....everything ! And there they will stay until they send a drone out to take a look see ......I doubt they will see us Harry .
7 March 2022, 13:59,
RE: If the balloon goes up
dont be so negative SS, it hasnt happened yet and it probably wont, Putin was only saying that to scare the West into not supporting Ukraine, he knows full well that all out nuclear war means the end of all life on planet Earth, the only things that will survive a nuclear holocaust as Cockroaches and Rats.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
7 March 2022, 14:56,
RE: If the balloon goes up
Negative ? Listen to the question Harry is asking BP ! Btw you do not need to explain the current situation to me regarding nuclear ....but thanks for the thought mate .

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