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What have done towards your prep?
1 April 2022, 16:14,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Running a new cold water feed in tomorrow to make life easier and connect additional micro drip system ....all the pipe and fittings are here so I will get it done no problem tomorrow ! .....been busy fitting my brothers new kitchen this week to give him a leg up ! ....I have one job to do for John the farm ....and then I am free to crack on with the rest of my garden stuff .....about another week should kill it ......good job I put off planting on the veg seedlings ......frost last few days , had to fleece up a fair bit of stuff ......all good at the moment .
5 April 2022, 11:27,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Making Bone arrowheads for composite arrows. Cattle shin bone, Nettle fibre binding, Hazel foreshaft.
13 April 2022, 10:07,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
The main reorganisation of the garden and grounds is now completed , all the heavy work is done for this stage , just planting on stuff now .

The runner bean trench is filled with compost and all canes are tied in place ready , I have sown the seeds in deep trays in the poly tunnel (60) will plant on.... on the ....12th may .

Planted on the french beans , cauliflower , turnips and peas .....I have seventeen 30 kilo tubs of several types of potatoes now on the go and some tubs with carrots .

The onion sets I planted last November are coming up for harvest ( did loose some ) ....will plant more sets this week . The beetroot is ready to plant on (this week) .

The tomatoes , cucumbers, peppers , chillies , aubergine, lettuce , butternut squash and sweet corn are all doing well and ready to transplant ...and some already have been In the hydroponics (growing poly tunnel) .

All six full hives are doing well ! Plus one nucleus ! .

Onwards we go ......more stuff to sow !
19 April 2022, 14:20,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Back last year Lightspeeds recommendation for a solar panel and kit off the net , I bought one just for a mini backup ......has suckers so you can stick it onto glass ....on Sunday over lunch over the sil house complains were aired over charging up of various things ! So I go get the kit ,tools and some cable plus battery , into the garden room I go twenty minuets later he is charging anything that he can lay his hands on ! For just fifty quid ! For all of it including the battery ! The bonus is you could set it up anywhere and have some power for coms ....I have a small inverter but not tried that yet but I will shortly .

Ideal for bugging out .....light and small to carry, dead simply to connect up ! And dirt cheap ! It works just fine ! .
19 April 2022, 15:46,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Broad Beans have gone in, plants that is.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
23 April 2022, 14:41,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Wandering around Ludlow all morning on the lookout for old tools , picked up some chicken breast ,peppers and some onions ready for tonight’s stir fry feast , I must say the local produce here are the finest you can not get better quality anywhere on the planet ! ....back at the caravan set up the BBQ ready for tonight , a good bottle of wine chilling in the fridge and a nice bottle of red for yours truly ! .

Bought ten more 30 litres felt tubs , ( this time ) now filled with potatoes and carrots......that has filled my container garden to 80% full , all raised beds are full bar one ( waiting on leeks and some cabbage ) will sow more stuff for continuous cropping as the weeks roll on ......getting serious on home grown food ! .

Had a rethink on the chicken coup must be mobile in order to site it in many locations around the ground along with security issues , although this was always the case gaining entry to all areas threw up a common theme regards to size particularly width , so I will build another coup to reflect the need ....I will crack on ASAP .

Bought eight trays of spaghetti hoops (12 in a tray ) for 13 p a tin from Morrison’s 10% off ....could not leave them there ! Plus 2 trays of pineapple chunks 50 p a tin 2trays of mandarines 50 p a tin ....all with 10% off ( employees discount ) ......4 bags of oats from farm foods .

Going for more cooking oil this week ....five gallons , two off .
24 April 2022, 07:58,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
car boot sale this morning, new place, dont know what I'll find.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
26 April 2022, 08:06,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
I am constantly adding screws , nails , hinges , staples , roof bolts and anything I thing I could need to carry out repairs or new projects .....everything is on the table ! .....electric cable 2.5 And 1.5 for AC plus D.C. cable , connectors , clips , fuses , crimpers , tape stuff .......flux , solder , thread tape , bushes , fittings of all types and sizes , pipe , clips , wire wool , stop taps , olives , tap washers , fibre washers , ring seals , blow lamp gas, .......timber , ply , spare blades , spare chains , bars , fence posts , stock wire , stock fencing .........and a pile of stuff I have forgotten about ! .....if I think of anything I pick it up there and then .....if I don’t I will forget it ! .....prepping never ever stops around here ! .
26 April 2022, 09:32,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
yes same here SS, however I do often think that prepping was invented to keep the consumer society consuming, a lot of this stuff I will never use even in a Post Shtf environment.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
26 April 2022, 14:48,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Yes I think you’re right BP ! I doubt I will use it all ........but if I ever needed anything I am pretty much covered ...until the day I’m not and missed something ....I can count on that one !

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