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What have done towards your prep?
5 September 2022, 08:41,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Found a crab apple tree ....and picked a carrier bag full ....put the first batch on last evening been draining through the jelly bag all night , will finish that lot today and jar up . The pickled onions are done all bar 2 kilos ....will kill them tonight .

Pete , thats a very handy power pack ! Portable and a good standby , I did post last year about making one myself since then I have found the solar panel I stashed away years ago ( found it in suitcase ) I will use this to power up and finish my power (bag) I have all the components .....most of the work has already been done.....the whole lot will fit in a ammo box or I do have a old metal box that held two small battery guns (drills) it will hold the charge controller , small inverter ,battery , and fused relay ......along with led lights and charging jacks .
5 September 2022, 18:39,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
The batteries were on a maintainer/charger for about three hours but now are on a low power solar panel (trickle charging) permanently, until its needed.

Advantage of the bag is I can carry it with one hand.
9 September 2022, 22:24,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
I’ve bought a few more Camping Gaz C206 cartridges for the lanterns and old stoves, always useful.

Now i’ve got the two 12V 7Ah batteries in the power bag I can use the original leisure battery in a more permanent layout so i’ve ordered another one.
10 September 2022, 09:08,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Bought some push fit fittings 10,15 and 22mm along with some copper compression fittings ......some canisters of fixing foam I think of things that can go wrong , I get the gear in stock so I can fix the problems .....I have most things covered but you can bet I will have missed something ! So as I thing of things ,I go get the bits I need straight away otherwise I will forget.

All the onions are now pickled and Jared up ( and I did another five kilo’s ) that’s sixteen kilo’s total and all spoken for . The crab apple jelly is all Jared up ....turned out to be excellent ! And crystal clear and the sil loves it and wants me to make more “ if you get the apples I will “ I said ! .

Planted on the turnips ......turned over one raised bed added more compost ( my own ) will sow even more beetroot . Cleaned down some clotches in readiness ......going to pick some 8ft cains for next year .

Bought some half gallon mason jars an some quart jars caning the pears by tomorrow ....fix bayonets men ! .
11 September 2022, 17:41,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
The pears are all done ! .........lime marmalade is up next this week , the blackberry and black currant wine is ready for bottling up so I will get that done too ......will get on with my mini solar mobile pack this week and finish that off . Charge on !
12 September 2022, 00:04,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Our previous plans for electricity use and generation after an event were simple with portable solar panels charging batteries, our 100W folding panel being the main one. We now realise we need more generation and storage.

Our house unfortunately doesn’t have a south facing roof one reason why we’ve not already got a modest off grid solar system, this would have been Plan A.

We never thought a ground array would be suitable for us either, this would have been Plan B.

However I don’t know why I haven’t thought earlier, the garden shed faces south and roof slopes down at 45 degrees, so Plan C.

As a basic starter a 240W eco-worthy kit, £250, they say 1kw/h per day. This I expect would be 10-15A for 8-10hours a day at best in summer. In winter maybe 4-5A for 4-5hours with luck, but still very useful.

I have already ordered a second leisure battery, £90, we will need a better inverter, £60+, and then allowing for cable, fuses, bits and pieces, we will have a versatile system for under £500.
16 September 2022, 11:41,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Bought two spare wicks for the kerosene heater just to play it safe , all other lantern wicks and mantles are in stock ! Along with all other spare parts for them .

The generators will be moved into position ( outside ) where I built covers last year, the fuel is in stock .
Solar setups 2 and 3 are ready to go within minutes once deployed .

Done another two batches of crab apple jelly some lime marmalade .....bottled the blackberry and black currant wine will do some rhubarb wine this week , the elderberries are nearly ready ....will get them turned into wine and my cold n flu prevention mix ......the lemon and honey mix will follow , dehydrating herbs and spices and anything else that moves ! .

On other fronts , I have a few projects lined up for the workshop this winter , I normally tell you three times , then threaten to do them three times .........then do them and not tell you anything ! .....walk on boy ! .
18 September 2022, 19:40,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
Plan C the solar shed.
Our garden shed where the panels will be, is next to the garage which is where the batteries are (second leisure battery has arrived), the battery shelf is on the inside wall next to the utility room.
It’s only a single brick wall, easy to drill through and a convenient work surface the other side for 12V appliances and plenty room for an inverter.
Making a list of things to order.
19 September 2022, 05:06,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
(16 September 2022, 11:41)Straight Shooter Wrote: On other fronts , I have a few projects lined up for the workshop this winter , I normally tell you three times , then threaten to do them three times .........then do them and not tell you anything ! .....walk on boy ! .

One of my favorite songs. Over here we call it "country blues".

I never was much good on R&R but I could play the crap out of country blues!
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
22 September 2022, 19:31,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
In the camper we have a Letour usb rechargeable 120w 34cm long bar light, it’s magnetic so sticks under the bonnet/hood, and it comes with two self adhesive steel discs so it can be fixed more or less anywhere (£29.99 amazon).

It has three levels of brightness and fully charged lasts us several nights, it’s the best most useful light we’ve come across.

Letour also make a 60w pendant tent lantern also usb rechargeable with a convenient hanging hook (£16.14 amazon), screw eye in ceiling all that’s needed.

I’ve ordered another bar light and two pendant lanterns, these will be our main emergency lighting, usb is easily charged by a solar panel (better than messing with rechargeable AA’s and AAA’s) and very mobile and safe.

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