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Yet another Scot
23 September 2012, 09:18,
Yet another Scot
Howdy folk,

Been lurking here for a while now, thought it time I signed up and said hi...

Hi Smile

Still rather new to prepping, and having just lost employment it will be slow going but feel it must be done.
Just wanted to say thanks for all the content on both the site and forum, knowledge is power and I'm rapidly gaining strength!

23 September 2012, 09:20,
RE: Yet another Scot
(23 September 2012, 09:18)LiveItUp Wrote: Howdy folk,

Been lurking here for a while now, thought it time I signed up and said hi...

Hi Smile

Still rather new to prepping, and having just lost employment it will be slow going but feel it must be done.
Just wanted to say thanks for all the content on both the site and forum, knowledge is power and I'm rapidly gaining strength!
heyy Smile welcome,
23 September 2012, 09:27,
RE: Yet another Scot
Welcome to the asylum. Smile

23 September 2012, 09:32,
RE: Yet another Scot
ello and welcome
23 September 2012, 09:43,
RE: Yet another Scot
Welcome from dorset buddy, keep reading, try out what you read and enjoy your stay here Smile
23 September 2012, 09:56,
RE: Yet another Scot
hello and welcome from norfolkSmile
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
23 September 2012, 10:54,
RE: Yet another Scot
Welcome. Pleased you are getting something from the site. There are some good ideas bubbling around here.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
23 September 2012, 12:34,
RE: Yet another Scot
Nice to hear another Scot onboard , welcome to the forum.
Trying very hard not to be paranoid.....and it aint getting easier.
23 September 2012, 22:19,
RE: Yet another Scot
Welcome to the forum. Most of us don't bite.

I hate to correct you (this is more for the help of younger less experienced preppers) but knowledge is only potential power. Getting out and practicing it makes it power ;-) Yeah, I'm just being awkward, but hey....that's just me haha.

Great to have you on board. What's your background?
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
24 September 2012, 15:54,
RE: Yet another Scot
Another one?!? Didn't we build a wall somewhere - what happened to that? Wink


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