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Thoughts on WROL and engaging 'targets'
8 November 2012, 20:07, (This post was last modified: 8 November 2012, 20:08 by Paul.)
RE: Thoughts on WROL and engaging 'targets'
Oh my gawd.
I looked at this and could only cringe.

The sooner this is exposed in the international press the better.

Take note dear people,
Coming to a district near you, courtesy of COBRA I'm guessing when the next big disaster hits us.

If you ever needed a reason to prep, the US emergency response to Sandy must be a strong message to you all.

Sorry to sidetrack the thread but after NR spoke, I had to see for myself.

8 November 2012, 20:36,
RE: Thoughts on WROL and engaging 'targets'
No problemo amigo, the facts are there for all to see,
(1) If you dont prep the government aint gonna save you, look at how one buggered village ( Bostcastle) yup just one village soaked up every available rescue chopper in England and Wales. It took almost every mountain and fell rescue group south of Brum, most of the regions punps and lifting gear, AND AND AND it could NOT, repeat NOT provide ANY portable shelter to any displaced residents, only school halls, libraries etc.
(2) If you live in a city not only does (1) apply but also you are likely to have up to a possible 7 million other people competing with you for what ever meagre resourses survived.

8 November 2012, 20:54,
RE: Thoughts on WROL and engaging 'targets'
Wait a second NR. Didn't you say FEMA was a great success by the Obama administration? I'm 100% certain you did. It's okay to be wrong mate.

Looks like having a group of people willing to help in a crisis situation, that is pretty much WROL, is a good thing. Granted it's not international, and the situation has a viable end in site. But the principle of temporary (pretty short term) WROL (something I didn't initially account for) does seem to suggest it would be right to help those we can.

Obviously, if there was no sight of restoring ROL, then it would very possibly be a completely different situation.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
8 November 2012, 21:00,
RE: Thoughts on WROL and engaging 'targets'
(8 November 2012, 20:54)Scythe13 Wrote: Wait a second NR. Didn't you say FEMA was a great success by the Obama administration? I'm 100% certain you did. It's okay to be wrong mate.

No as usual you are totally wrong, I said FEMA was the only part of the Federal Government that was any good.

8 November 2012, 21:07,
RE: Thoughts on WROL and engaging 'targets'
I guess we were both wrong then. My quote, and your view of FEMA Wink
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
8 November 2012, 21:19,
RE: Thoughts on WROL and engaging 'targets'
If only those people I care about and have spoken with would only see what we on here are saying and keep repeating!
Ah well...the day will come when we stop harping on about prepping and go to ground while 500 sheeple fight over 3 cans of red kidney beans...
Prepper Kid: when will the sheeple wake up to the reality?
Prepper Parent: When it is too late to begin prepping for it.
9 November 2012, 01:03,
RE: Thoughts on WROL and engaging 'targets'
(8 November 2012, 20:36)NorthernRaider Wrote: No problemo amigo, the facts are there for all to see,
(1) If you dont prep the government aint gonna save you, look at how one buggered village ( Bostcastle) yup just one village soaked up every available rescue chopper in England and Wales.

So I got to buy a chopper now? C'mon, helicopters are not the only response and should we have a fleet of 20?30?40?100? sitting around nationally to deal with a 30/50/100 year storm?

That would be socialism, if it could exist as far to buy that many helicopters rather than those in power (absolute power as it would be) buying what ever they want for themselves. And before tax payer money or natural resource money run out.
9 November 2012, 09:37,
RE: Thoughts on WROL and engaging 'targets'
AND as soon as this is all over, and no longer on the news, the sheeple will promptly forget ALL about it and go back to their old ways, only shopping when they need food and not having a back up supply.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
9 November 2012, 10:07, (This post was last modified: 9 November 2012, 10:29 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Thoughts on WROL and engaging 'targets'
(9 November 2012, 01:03)BDG Wrote:
(8 November 2012, 20:36)NorthernRaider Wrote: No problemo amigo, the facts are there for all to see,
(1) If you dont prep the government aint gonna save you, look at how one buggered village ( Bostcastle) yup just one village soaked up every available rescue chopper in England and Wales.

So I got to buy a chopper now? C'mon, helicopters are not the only response and should we have a fleet of 20?30?40?100? sitting around nationally to deal with a 30/50/100 year storm?

That would be socialism, if it could exist as far to buy that many helicopters rather than those in power (absolute power as it would be) buying what ever they want for themselves. And before tax payer money or natural resource money run out.

Oh please tell me your not that daft, or are you just hsaving a little fun trolling session?
The NE of US has a population of about 46 million people, roughly similar to England, they can deploy over 30 helicopters kitted out for rescue, over 200 Large trailer mounted pumps, over 150 trailer mounted gensets, they have acess to thousands of heavy duty temporary shelters and tents, and they had in stock ready to deploy over 2.5 million boxed meal sets. They also have the worlds largest reserves of fuel for contingency plus tankers and drivers.

The UK has no govt stockpiles of emergency shelters or food reserves, only what charities like the British RC and Shelter Box have set aside, We only have our war stocks of fuel , most of our tankers are owned by the oil companies and we only haver about 70 soldiers trained to drive tankers. Our civil defence supplies could not even sustain Bostcastle never mind a region the size of England, That is my point, if the UK got hit with its own version of Sandy we would be even worse off for much longer will only one exception.

We have about 150 choppers most in Afghanistan, few with winches it would cost very little to require air ambulances, police choppers and some more of the militaries Pumas to be fitted with winches which would make them far more useful.

9 November 2012, 12:32,
RE: Thoughts on WROL and engaging 'targets'
(8 November 2012, 21:19)Mandlaka Wrote: If only those people I care about and have spoken with would only see what we on here are saying and keep repeating!
Ah well...the day will come when we stop harping on about prepping and go to ground while 500 sheeple fight over 3 cans of red kidney beans...

What, really 3 tins...
They'll be lucky I'll have prepped the other two....
So they can have the last one, I'm generous like that...
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...

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