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Happiness is NOT city shaped
20 November 2012, 21:58,
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
I have never lived in a city,..[ other than on Military postings ], and I am very pleased about that, I even hate it to go down as far south as Kilmarnock where my married kids live.

I have a family member who lives in one of the tall blocks of flats around spgettie [ sp ] juntion on the M6,.. he comes to my house from time to time, but cant sleep when he gets here,... because he says its too dark and too quiet,.. he wouldnt dream of walking three miles to the nearest pint, in case something jumped out of the dark at him,... yet he would walk the streets of Birmingham

I realy feel for you guys who are in the city and dont want to be there,.. I most certainly would spend my entire time looking for work elsewhere with live in accomodation,...I know of one person who lives somewhere by Southampton, who cant stand it, so him and his wife travel up to a local campsite and become the site warden for the season, living in a caravan,.... but in a place he wants to be,... the saying. `Life is too short` comes to mind
A major part of survival is invisibility.
20 November 2012, 22:15,
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
The wife and I were born and raised in teesside among the desolation, mega pollution, crime and filth, Even when we became preppers we tried at first to be urban survivalists but everything was loaded against us. then our son was born and me being me I utterly refused to accept the situation, we moved around Teesside two or three times but never it felt right. Then little one started school and it was a new build 500 kid primary school education factory without a soul, character or atmosphere, Where chavs disruptive brats were rewarded if they behaved !!!! ( no I never fathomed that out either). So along came another five house moves in six short years, we lost almost every penny wee ever had and we will be paying a big mortgage til I'm 79 ( or dead)
But we finally realised its not just a house that makes for a happy secure family, but the environment as well. So 8 years ago this week we moved again , but this time out to an ex mining village that was just recovering from the blight of coal mining, houses were still affordable. We have not looked back at all, Brat moved to a Victorian run down, tatty village school and he thrived with caring teachers, gray not concrete playing fields and only 180 kids in total. We found allotment holders and small holder to sell us fresh grub, Crime in our village is deemed as major is grafitti.

20 November 2012, 22:20,
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
Crime,, whats that?,.. we leave the front door key in the lock,.. the builder who has just been doing work in our house lets himself in every day while we were at work, and one of our friends often lets himself in to watch Sky T.V,... he does have the kettle on for when we get

Mind you we once had someone unroll toilet paper [ from the public toilets] all round the village one Hallowen evening,... unruly blighter
A major part of survival is invisibility.
20 November 2012, 22:36,
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
you guys are living my dream i hate being in this god forsaken place i did apply for a live in job at a farm well into the green belt but as usual i did not get the job, being to poor to move out is driving me mad its so hard to get a shitty job in london, so many people i know all used to work full time and now so many of them on benefits not though choice either surely things can only get better
Todays mighty oak is just yesterdays nut that held its ground
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king
21 November 2012, 10:46,
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
THE VILLAGE HALL STORY i was about 8-9 years old its november and cold...a jumble sale in the hall ...i walk in with an old penny for the lucky dip....then i check out these boots fur much i ask 1shilling and 2 pence...i had these plastic shoe / sandles on at the time with a split where to water came in..what time are you closing i ask.....7 pm ..the mission was 1&2...chopped stick went door to sixpence....went around all the backyards to see if i could get pop bottles ( you got 3p deposit in them days ) i find 1 in the whole village ...i,m now 9p up ...i am now running out of idea,s its 6pm ....the girl said i had till 6.30 (she would hold them for me) ...then i turn into SAS mode..and pinch a pop bottle from behind ...jones the shop... and cool as a cuc take it around front to get my now i,m out of time ...i run to the hall 12 p = 1shilling are short 2 p she said ....yes i know .....she goes off to ask her mum (mrs grant headteacher) a great person and great teacher by the way... she looks at me smiles and said thats ok let him have them.......i sit down put em on ....felt real good and warm....hey dude get out my f..king way sort of feeling....i run down the street to our house ...breeze in showing off my boots to my 3 brothers...check this fur lining out ! my mother sitting at that big old table peeling spuds..where have you been all day ! so i tell her the story ...omitting the jones bottle of course ...and she bursts into tears NOW look what you,v done! my brothers say...WHAT i say you,v upset our mam.....the tuppence i was short then dropped
21 November 2012, 10:54,
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
Barneyboy would say they should have given them to you for free, fed you and let you take over their house. Smile

21 November 2012, 11:13,
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
woke up today to see this oh the joys of living in london
Todays mighty oak is just yesterdays nut that held its ground
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king
21 November 2012, 17:33,
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
I grew up in the country side, we could run wild barefooted come home looking like scarecrows, our door was always unlocked, we were 3/4 of a mile from the nearest road and four fields away from the nearest village, and a river to swim in now there's social housing all over the place a sewage system by the river I swam in. Its a shame I can still remember running through the crops with my friends
True heroes don't wear football shirts, they wear dog tags.
21 November 2012, 17:49,
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
its not bad up here, crime and thuggery is very light, but even I was amazed after a trip to the SW for a survivalist RV in Luppit near Exeter. Twas in the absolute middle of nowhere at the Fishponds hotel and Lodge. No street lights, just dark winding twisty lanes. At 7PM on a Friday night I was amazed to see young boys and girls walking down unlit lanes, across fields, through woodland apparently to attend a kids disco held every weekend.

I asked some of the hotel staff if they were worried for the kids safety wandering the lanes in the dark?

They replied " Wuoy Moi Dear?" Worzt could appen is they get stung boy zum nettles or stand in a cow pat"

Comes 11PM these same kids just wandered back off across the field and through the woods in the dark to make their own way home. Bloody fabulous well done I thought, In London they would have been robbed, stabbed and raped before they got 5o yards.

21 November 2012, 18:21,
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
(20 November 2012, 18:54)NorthernRaider Wrote: But greed for greeds sake. I dont get it.

GREED That is all big business and the government care about screwing every last penny out of you and me.
Failure is NOT an option

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