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Prepping, starting to change my mind
8 February 2013, 10:35,
Prepping, starting to change my mind
After much consideration and closely studying current affairs for the last two years on issue such as increased erosions of our rights and liberties, ever more intrusion into our privacy by the state and EU, The clear and absolute risk to all decent people from the EU and the socialists, mass migration of possibly millions of Romanians and Hungarians ontop of the million Poles hundreds of thousands of greeks, Turks and Spanish, The constant Islamification of British towns, The massive increase in the breeding rates of Chavs, The collapsing economy, increasing crime, collapsing morality, totally screwed up NHS no longer fit for purpose, Buggered up economy, appaling schools system in England etc and now the fast growing food scandals I am begining to realise I got my prepping wrong.

I estimated that my current geographical location offered myself and my family sufficient living room, environmental conditions and distance from the multi cultural, diverse, inclusive, socialist paradises of our town and cities, I now think I got it wrong. I did a risk assessment over the last two weeks and and now very satified I DID get it wrong and the likes of Tarrel, Highlander, AL etc got it right ( damn you all Smile )

I'm not far enough away from the influence alone never mind the direct impact of the towns and cities, I think folks like Tarrel, Highlander, AL etc understand my thinking and meaning , I dont think those preppers who choose to remain in situ ever will, but I'm no longer trying to persuade them they made their beds etc, but as for me I am going to have to rethink yet again.

8 February 2013, 11:32,
RE: Prepping, starting to change my mind
Prepping should always be fluid - there is no "perfect location". There also is no "wrong" when it comes to prepping.

I'm sure 99% of us would love to live out in the wildest part of Scotland, or half way up a mountain somewhere, but it's not cohesive to real life unfortunately. It's feasible for the older generation who had access to houses at reasonable prices, but people under 35 haven't had that, so unless you've got a whacking great deposit you're screwed. So if you want to go and live out in the middle of nowhere then you have to have an income of some sorts, either to cover the mortgage or rent. So, you need a job. Best paying jobs are normally in the cities. So unless you want to spend the week away from your family, or spend 15 hours a day away from home travelling to and from work then you have no choice but to live in / near a city or town.
8 February 2013, 11:35,
RE: Prepping, starting to change my mind
(8 February 2013, 10:35)NorthernRaider Wrote: After much consideration and closely studying current affairs for the last two years on issue such as increased erosions of our rights and liberties, ever more intrusion into our privacy by the state and EU, The clear and absolute risk to all decent people from the EU and the socialists, mass migration of possibly millions of Romanians and Hungarians ontop of the million Poles hundreds of thousands of greeks, Turks and Spanish, The constant Islamification of British towns, The massive increase in the breeding rates of Chavs, The collapsing economy, increasing crime, collapsing morality, totally screwed up NHS no longer fit for purpose, Buggered up economy, appaling schools system in England etc and now the fast growing food scandals I am begining to realise I got my prepping wrong.

I estimated that my current geographical location offered myself and my family sufficient living room, environmental conditions and distance from the multi cultural, diverse, inclusive, socialist paradises of our town and cities, I now think I got it wrong. I did a risk assessment over the last two weeks and and now very satified I DID get it wrong and the likes of Tarrel, Highlander, AL etc got it right ( damn you all Smile )

I'm not far enough away from the influence alone never mind the direct impact of the towns and cities, I think folks like Tarrel, Highlander, AL etc understand my thinking and meaning , I dont think those preppers who choose to remain in situ ever will, but I'm no longer trying to persuade them they made their beds etc, but as for me I am going to have to rethink yet again.

I agree with your analysis, things ain't getting any easier.

I don't fully understand your last paragraph. Could you explain a little more please?
conscius et paratum
8 February 2013, 12:17,
RE: Prepping, starting to change my mind
i think i am in the right area, away from cities and large population areas, mild climate, out in the countryside, its not perfect, i'm on the edge of a small market town, could be further out more remote more isolated but at present funds dont allow,but its quiet, low or no crime, dont get bothered by anyone, no nosy neighbours, i could think of a lot worse places to be.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
8 February 2013, 12:41, (This post was last modified: 8 February 2013, 12:56 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Prepping, starting to change my mind
(8 February 2013, 11:32)BeardyMan Wrote: Prepping should always be fluid - there is no "perfect location". There also is no "wrong" when it comes to prepping.

I'm sure 99% of us would love to live out in the wildest part of Scotland, or half way up a mountain somewhere, but it's not cohesive to real life unfortunately. It's feasible for the older generation who had access to houses at reasonable prices, but people under 35 haven't had that, so unless you've got a whacking great deposit you're screwed. So if you want to go and live out in the middle of nowhere then you have to have an income of some sorts, either to cover the mortgage or rent. So, you need a job. Best paying jobs are normally in the cities. So unless you want to spend the week away from your family, or spend 15 hours a day away from home travelling to and from work then you have no choice but to live in / near a city or town.

The point is at which point in time is residing in the city or burbs going to become an unneccessary risk with people kidding themselves that they are still ok, still capable and are not living on luck alone. Even now I read of crimes or abuses that still shock me even after all I have seen but some folks appear to consider it acceptable risk .

Mind you I'm not attacking anyone else choices I found out ages ago its futile and pointless trying to persuade people to relocate cos they always have a thousand reasons why they cannot move, So I dont force the point any more or try and encourage them, I see them like smokers they know the risks and choose to ignore them. I'm just pointing out that in my own case I think i got it wrong and the likes of Tarrel, AL, Highlander etc who are right.

(8 February 2013, 11:35)Digger Wrote:
(8 February 2013, 10:35)NorthernRaider Wrote: After much consideration and closely studying current affairs for the last two years on issue such as increased erosions of our rights and liberties, ever more intrusion into our privacy by the state and EU, The clear and absolute risk to all decent people from the EU and the socialists, mass migration of possibly millions of Romanians and Hungarians ontop of the million Poles hundreds of thousands of greeks, Turks and Spanish, The constant Islamification of British towns, The massive increase in the breeding rates of Chavs, The collapsing economy, increasing crime, collapsing morality, totally screwed up NHS no longer fit for purpose, Buggered up economy, appaling schools system in England etc and now the fast growing food scandals I am begining to realise I got my prepping wrong.

I estimated that my current geographical location offered myself and my family sufficient living room, environmental conditions and distance from the multi cultural, diverse, inclusive, socialist paradises of our town and cities, I now think I got it wrong. I did a risk assessment over the last two weeks and and now very satified I DID get it wrong and the likes of Tarrel, Highlander, AL etc got it right ( damn you all Smile )

I'm not far enough away from the influence alone never mind the direct impact of the towns and cities, I think folks like Tarrel, Highlander, AL etc understand my thinking and meaning , I dont think those preppers who choose to remain in situ ever will, but I'm no longer trying to persuade them they made their beds etc, but as for me I am going to have to rethink yet again.

I agree with your analysis, things ain't getting any easier.

I don't fully understand your last paragraph. Could you explain a little more please?

Last Para basically means my asessment was wrong in only moving 14 miles away from Teesside, But ALs decision to make maga sacrifice to move to Scotland was right for him ( not saying its right for everyone though. and the last bit refers to the fact for years I begged, pleaded, nagged, coerced, badgered, hound and whinged at other preppers who I know and care for to move, but every time I got rebuffed, nothing is going to make those good people shift and so i no longer offend them or annoy them by nagging them. Smile
Poor buggers got nagged sensless at times but in the end they dont want to move and I have to respect their choices.

Digger FYI so you understand the context of the thread, we lived in Teesside moving around within its boundaries for 20 + years trying to find a decent spot to settle and raise a family, we finally realised we were flogging a deceased equine, galloping crime, pollution, unemployment, heaving herds of socialists, appaling schools, crap hospitals, no greenery worth noting etc plus a few specific incidents made us sell up and move in one month, we used our lifes savings, we lost money on the house sale, I ended up out of work, but after 2.8 years and 5 more moves ( and shit loads of stress) we ended up here 8 years ago, skint, exhausted, stressed out, almost wrecked our marriage, but by god within a few short weeks of getting away from the city we new beyond all doubt we had done the right thing.

Clean air, clean water, first rate caring community school followed by very good secondary school, almost no crime, no gangs, little traffic, superb locally produced food, easy access to coast plus dales etc, worth all the sacrifice opain and suffering for the last very good 8 years. But now the council wants to build 350 new homes, its housing asylum seekers and " others" in the area ( not immediate thank god) and crime is going up in those areas. The city is reacting its influence out to us only slightly but I dont like it.

8 February 2013, 12:56,
RE: Prepping, starting to change my mind
No matter where you move to there will always be others following and flowing out from the cities. You would need to move really remotely or move every seven years or so.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
8 February 2013, 12:59,
RE: Prepping, starting to change my mind
Would not be so bad if we could choose who follows us out the cities but because there are still some available council houses out here they are moving chavs, immigrants, etc out here and abandoning them and of course they instantly turn destructive.

8 February 2013, 13:07,
RE: Prepping, starting to change my mind
Just because we're townies, doesn't mean we don't have aspirations to be more like tarrel, highlander or yourself etc.

Or that we don't appreciate your advice, even though your are a nagger sometimes...Tongue:

Some, like me just don't have the means to move to the highlands and islands although I dearly would love too.

I'm a country boy and living in a town does my cake in.

Don't get me wrong I have plenty of valid skills to offer such as carpentry, electrical, mechanical etc.. and can turn my hand to anything quick as a flash.

The wife just wont have any of it.
Besides she's a bit religious you see and thinks Jehovas going to save her...Angry: so she wont stray too far from her "congregation"

Cant stand the stuff (religion) myself poison if you ask me...

And soft touch that I am, I'm not willing to do my daughter who's 5 without a dad just so I can go too a remote place...Sad

Theres a lot in the same boat, stuck, not because we don't hear your preaching N.R. because by god you do a lot of itBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Its good sound advice and god help me your growing on meConfusedConfusedConfused

Sometimes when you have "drag along's " i.e. partners or kids that aren't as willing or interested as we are it's difficult to do what you knows right, i.e. moving to a better place.

What we could do with is a remote prepper with a spot of land.
Who's willing to site some Prepper caravans on it.
We could pay yearly rents to that prepper therefore providing a motive and reason for them to give up some land.

We would all feel better knowing post shtf we had a safe retreat full of like minded people.

Even if we never meet before, we could have say a regular time of year that we could go maybe to meet up and do the kum by ya bit for a bit of prepper bonding etc...
We could then build a prepper community around that and have it as "the " place to go for all of us post shtf.

Any preppers in remote areas with land willing to do that?

Its a long shot but you never know...
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...
8 February 2013, 13:10,
RE: Prepping, starting to change my mind
(8 February 2013, 12:59)NorthernRaider Wrote: Would not be so bad if we could choose who follows us out the cities but because there are still some available council houses out here they are moving chavs, immigrants, etc out here and abandoning them and of course they instantly turn destructive.

What about a move to one of the Scottish isles then ? if you don't want to be to far away then arran or millport ?
8 February 2013, 13:42, (This post was last modified: 8 February 2013, 13:44 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Prepping, starting to change my mind
(8 February 2013, 13:10)David075 Wrote:
(8 February 2013, 12:59)NorthernRaider Wrote: Would not be so bad if we could choose who follows us out the cities but because there are still some available council houses out here they are moving chavs, immigrants, etc out here and abandoning them and of course they instantly turn destructive.

What about a move to one of the Scottish isles then ? if you don't want to be to far away then arran or millport ?

Already looking into it Smile may be a step to far for us but a move further north is being explored, AL is nagging me to visit his AOO to check it out.

P1 I thought the JW had a few erm Retreats or rest / education/ residential places out in the boonies because they encourage their bretheren to get closing to jehova through nature, thats why they are so iffy about many modern medical practices, Shirley your good lady would be closer to her prophet / maker if she moved away from the cities ??? ( not very well up on religion TBH )


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