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Working for convenience..
15 March 2013, 21:34,
Working for convenience..
gd'evening fellas, has anyone ever changed occupation for safety reasons or to be closer to home just in case the SHTF?, have you ever thought about changing jobs so you could gain further skills in an area which would always be in use if society broke.

I changed my job to be closer to home and to gain further skills in an area which I love and I believe will greatly increase the chances of my ''clan'' surviving post the ''brake''.
Where the senses fail us, reason must step in.
Galileo Galilei
15 March 2013, 21:49,
RE: Working for convenience..
my other half is currently looking for a job closer to home solely for the fact that if there are any problems she can get to the little one

It may take me a day or more for me to walk home from work say if an EMP hits ....... would be quicker but there's a bloody river in the way and I'd have to move further up stream to a quieter place to get across
15 March 2013, 21:55,
RE: Working for convenience..
I'm going to be a full time stay at home dad (and spread better) come April. Can't get much closer to home than that! Big Grin
16 March 2013, 06:14,
RE: Working for convenience..
At the minute im looking for a full time job, just working the doors at the minute, would be a bit pocket money if I had more work. As for skills ill,take whatevers available working on boats, demolition, hod carrying ect, done various jobs lol
16 March 2013, 09:20,
RE: Working for convenience..
pretty much stay close to home most of the time, the furthest we go in the wintertime is 25 miles away, in the good weather may go 100 miles to events and markets but stick mainly to back roads..not much traffic..stay off motorways...mainly Devon and Somerset.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
16 March 2013, 09:57,
RE: Working for convenience..
I work from home and the OH works 5 miles from home.
Failure is NOT an option
16 March 2013, 10:19,
RE: Working for convenience..
i live 90 sec drive from work,

also 100m3 of water storage and lots and lots of food at my place of work, i wouldnt need to go anywhere for a while!
16 March 2013, 15:23,
RE: Working for convenience..
as i am self employed i can pick and choose where i work although i would like it to be within 10 miles of where i live it is not always possible due to the nature of work i do.
Therefore if i have far to travel ie 50 miles each way i refill my tanks every day on way home so i have at least 90% full tank and my trusty kit bag and BOB as well
16 March 2013, 21:11,
RE: Working for convenience..
Luckily ive never worked that far away from home (10m or so) but I have turned work away as I didn’t fancy working abroad, from the gulf Dodgy to as close as spainDodgy
17 March 2013, 15:32,
RE: Working for convenience..
when i first read the title of this thread i thought it was about working in your local Toilets!Tongue
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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