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Calling fellow city dwellers
26 March 2013, 23:12,
RE: Calling fellow city dwellers
Well Meg,..personally I don't agree with you at the moment, but a respect what you know that I don't,.. I will be the first to admit that I am not a city boy, so if I found myself in the city after an event, I would want you in charge.

There are going to be some people living in a city, [any city], years after an event, some will survive, so I am sure that people can prep and learn to live in that environment just as well as us country folk,... there are just a whole lot of new rules to live by.

I would be very happy to see a follow up to this thread, I would like to see you Meg teaching us a few of the things that you clearly know,.... because it could that some of us country guys might find ourselves in a large town or city when TSHTF,.... and I would be very willing to learn a few things from you
A major part of survival is invisibility.
27 March 2013, 00:15,
RE: Calling fellow city dwellers
Some of us have lived in both big cities and in the country. Self policing cities is complete bollocks - flavours and colours? What a pile of shit. You lot may be fooled by this bullshit, but I can smell a troll a mile off. look at the OP and the subsequent reply, then the strap line in the profile. Too many contradictions.

I'm not the only one who thinks this, its evident to a few, I'm just happy to point it out.

I think nutbag has been here before under a different name...

(26 March 2013, 21:55)Lightspeed Wrote: What the F*** is going on here? I don’t get it.

Nutmeg is a new member of this forum. She has simply asked for comments from others city based preppers. Why all the antagonism?
If Nutmeg has decided ( or her circumstances dictate) to plan her survival in a city, that's her choice. There are many, many others who are in the same position.

Personally I don’t like city life, and the contemplation of trying to survive a societal collapse there is way too scary for me. Her choice is not the same as mine, but is equally valid, and I respect it. As should we all.

There is a wealth of first hand and received wisdom on this forum about the merits of planning survival in rural areas, but we are very light on knowledge ,ideas and solutions that will help those who are looking to find solutions for their personal survival in the cities. Those who have relevant knowledge should offer constructive advice, those who have nothing to contribute should stay silent.

As I am not a city dweller, and cannot offer constructive comment on city based prepping, this is the last post from me on this thread.
27 March 2013, 10:16,
RE: Calling fellow city dwellers
(27 March 2013, 00:15)BeardyMan Wrote: Some of us have lived in both big cities and in the country. Self policing cities is complete bollocks - flavours and colours? What a pile of shit. You lot may be fooled by this bullshit, but I can smell a troll a mile off. look at the OP and the subsequent reply, then the strap line in the profile. Too many contradictions.

I'm not the only one who thinks this, its evident to a few, I'm just happy to point it out.

I think nutbag has been here before under a different name...
like you say BM, SOME of us have lived in cities before moving out, OK in my case not as big a city as some, but it still had its no go areas even 14 years ago where even PLOD feared to tread if there was less than 4 coppers available, i can just imagine how bad these places would be post SHTF WROL, complete and utter mayhem. i know some people cannot or will not leave the cities for a variety of reasons, ok that is your perogitive but plan accordingly, and also plan if the whole thing goes "pear shaped" and you have to get out fast make sure you have a bug out route not only planned but researched and scouted, have somewhere in mind to actually head for, anyone who thinks they can play "Rambo" in the woods in winter isnt going to last very long.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
27 March 2013, 10:22,
RE: Calling fellow city dwellers
Guys you have to see living in a city from the female point of view.
Why do you think a lot of women flock to the big cities?... For work and to be 'SEEN' - everyone loves her and she is queen.

For a man in the big cities, even the smaller ones now - it's just a little bit different being male.
You can sometimes feel the threat in the way you are treated and looked at.
Women you need to realise this.

Come 'do-do hit's the fan' in a big lawless city,
those 'Flavours' are going to turn into rape, murder and pillage
and those 'Colours' will be the one colour running through your veins.

Meg I can't offer you much advice other than to plan and learn for yourself and despite the egotistical comments posted on here, they are actually great guys and will help you. I'd rather be on the side of a big ego who knows what they're on with than not - at least for the short term!

Cheers Juice.
walk outside the box
27 March 2013, 10:40, (This post was last modified: 27 March 2013, 10:57 by bigpaul.)
RE: Calling fellow city dwellers
i will direct you to read "from countdown: a guide to surviving the urban apocalypse " by justin thyme, om Amazon £13.57. i quote:" every city is an artificial construct, cities formed as people came together to conduct business, participate in social interaction, benefit from efficiencies in public services (schools, sewers, water etc), yet cities cannot survive alone, they need resourses from the countryside notably food and water, the average acreage needed for food alone dictates no city could possibly feed its own people alone. in the world today there are 20 mega cities with populations of over 10 million people" end quote.

i've said this before and not had a reply,when all the city supermarkets have been emptied and looted, the mains water is off, where in the city are you going to get food and water, you can go 3 weeks without food but you can only go 3 days without water.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
27 March 2013, 10:57,
RE: Calling fellow city dwellers
Wow. This one went quite quick.

It seems to me I should open a new forum and be a bit more specific. We could have two; One for city dwellers and another for non city dwellers. This seems the one area in prepping where we get arguing over our different choices.

To me they should pretty much be the same except for different ways of handling things but if you have nothing to add bar 'I live in the country to avoid this' then what is the point of that comment? We are all living differently.

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. Sometime though they don't add to the discussion at all.

Nutmeg, I'll think about a city section.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
27 March 2013, 11:16,
RE: Calling fellow city dwellers
(27 March 2013, 10:57)Skean Dhude Wrote: Wow. This one went quite quick.

It seems to me I should open a new forum and be a bit more specific. We could have two; One for city dwellers and another for non city dwellers. This seems the one area in prepping where we get arguing over our different choices.

To me they should pretty much be the same except for different ways of handling things but if you have nothing to add bar 'I live in the country to avoid this' then what is the point of that comment? We are all living differently.

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. Sometime though they don't add to the discussion at all.

Nutmeg, I'll think about a city section.

Then I want my own section for living on the 'out skirts' known as the suburbs.

Watch out for 'Divide and Conquer' SD
walk outside the box
27 March 2013, 11:25,
RE: Calling fellow city dwellers
i dont think we want to start dividing up this excellent forum into "city" and "country" and "suburban" , this would dilute it too much and eventually kill it off. we all plan for the apocalypse in our own way, some want to stay in the city come what may, others dont want to be anywhere near a city when IT happens, well we ALL takes our chances wherever we are...we may all survive-we may not. wherever you all are i wish you good fortune in your endevours.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
27 March 2013, 11:37,
RE: Calling fellow city dwellers
(27 March 2013, 11:25)bigpaul Wrote: i dont think we want to start dividing up this excellent forum into "city" and "country" and "suburban" , this would dilute it too much and eventually kill it off. we all plan for the apocalypse in our own way, some want to stay in the city come what may, others dont want to be anywhere near a city when IT happens, well we ALL takes our chances wherever we are...we may all survive-we may not. wherever you all are i wish you good fortune in your endevours.

I agree BP we all have our own way of doing things and we all have the usual bull shit in our lives that no one on here knows about,There are some of us in rural areas and some of us in the citys,Those of us in the citys know we are not in a great position and know bad times are ahead thats why we prep,We all do things in our own way,Good luck to everyone on their prepping this is the last post from me on this thread.

By the way i dont want the forum split up neither
Todays mighty oak is just yesterdays nut that held its ground
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king
27 March 2013, 15:03,
RE: Calling fellow city dwellers
I agree with BP. I live in an urban area on the outskirts of a town & Newcastle city centre is only a couple of miles away so a city only forum would kind of be more suited to my situation.

But then I would miss out on reading people's comments & stories like how member A had to survive in their remote location for 2 weeks due to bad weather & power cuts or member B has their own stream which they rigged up a hydro-electric generator (both made up but perfectly realistic scenarios incase anyone tries searching for them Smile ).

Skean, it's your forum & I'm still a newbie but if you split it up into city v country I think it can only have a negative effect.

We are all (mostly) grown ups & all have to take responsibilities for our own actions & choices. If people just do what's best for them as an individual or a family, then that's all you need to worry about. Just respect other people's choices the same as they respect yours.

Personally I'm planning on staying put. If I absolutely had to move, I'm off to my dads place, small village with 200 or so houses & that's it. Plus his coal fire Smile

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