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23 May 2013, 23:20,
In any post SHTF situation, we know thatsanitation is going to be a problem. And then there's flies !

What do we do. I came across the following which shows how to make your own fly paper. It's a bit left-wing 'green 'buddhist' so would be ideal for NR Wink but see what you think
24 May 2013, 08:05,
RE: Flys
(23 May 2013, 23:20)River Song Wrote: In any post SHTF situation, we know thatsanitation is going to be a problem. And then there's flies !

What do we do. I came across the following which shows how to make your own fly paper. It's a bit left-wing 'green 'buddhist' so would be ideal for NR Wink but see what you think

i bloody hate flys ,thanks for the link
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
24 May 2013, 08:21,
RE: Flys
I managed to get hold of an old "meat safe" for post shtf .
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
24 May 2013, 08:31,
RE: Flys
Not me, I see a great need for flies after TSHTF, indeed I intend to breed em so i have a fresh supply of maggots for the cleansing of necrotic tissue from infected wounds, and of course they have a role to play in cleaning up the mess left after the collapse from rotten food in shops to unburied bodies. And its also a supplimental protein source for chooks.

24 May 2013, 08:37,
RE: Flys
(24 May 2013, 08:31)NorthernRaider Wrote: Not me, I see a great need for flies after TSHTF, indeed I intend to breed em so i have a fresh supply of maggots for the cleansing of necrotic tissue from infected wounds, and of course they have a role to play in cleaning up the mess left after the collapse from rotten food in shops to unburied bodies. And its also a supplimental protein source for chooks.

i'm assuming that last remark was tongue in cheek NR, knowing you I would assume you'd be covering everything in strong bleachBig Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
24 May 2013, 08:44, (This post was last modified: 24 May 2013, 08:45 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Flys
Nup, I have farmed blue bottles in the past for maggots for when I was a keen fisherman, let the flies do their job of cleaning away all the rotten meat human and otherwise then disinfect afterwards after they do a mass die off cos of lack of food.

You bunch of loons will start to think laterally one day, learn to think outside the box, Imagine a rural dweller like yourself faced with the task of getting rid of your deceased neighbours and a few hundreds cattle or sheep or pigs, well flies can help you do that without back breaking work. In a city an urban prepper like Mandlaka stuck in an estate with the strench of thousands of decaying bodies, just open up the windows of all the neighbouring houses for a few weeks and the flies will do all the cleaning up for you ( just keep your own windows shut Smile ) then you can reclaim the area.

That actually reminds me I need some netting to affix over a few windows so i can open them for ventilation but keep the insects out.

24 May 2013, 08:49, (This post was last modified: 24 May 2013, 08:53 by bigpaul.)
RE: Flys
I think a swarm of millions of flies will be unimaginable, like something out of the old testament, I don't want to get caught outside in that lot. as for dead bodies I thought we already did that one, and we all came to the conclusion that if you couldn't bury them you set fire to them, better than flies everywhere.

I know maggots eat dead tissue, but that does all seem to "fly" in the face of all your hygiene protocols.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
24 May 2013, 08:57,
RE: Flys
BP the swarms of flies WILL happen regardless if their is a large collapse theres nothing we can do about that cept wait it out, its could takes weeks but eventually the food source for the flies will be gone and shortly after so will the flies, The hygiene protocols are the same INSIDE your home / retreat a hyper clean state will be in operation until all the rotting bodies have broken down.

As for burning bodies we would of course do that for those deceased closest to our homes / retreats but realistically we havent got the resources, fuel or energy to go and ged rid of farmer giles 600 porkers, a or 14 horses at the end of the lane, City folks have to be even more careful than us about lighting fires cos they could trigger a fire storm and wipe their own place out. so we use nature to do all the work, and fortunately for us the flydemic will happen the same time as the great die off and hopefully we will all be hunkered down anyway.

24 May 2013, 08:58,
RE: Flys
They still use maggots in hospitals. handy for fishing and chickens love them. Must admit I hate the idea of millions of flies buzing about, need to invest in one of those hats with the midge mesh
"A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have" Thomas Jefferson
24 May 2013, 09:03,
RE: Flys
hmmh! good job we've got nets on all the windows! this is why EVERYBODY needs a good food store so we can hunker down and wait out the big die off followed by the great fly invasion!!Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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