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Bartering Medical services?
9 June 2013, 21:03,
RE: Bartering Medical services?
Doesn't matter what they expect. If you are doing work you need to get paid for it or you starve to death and that doesn't help anyone. Even our NHS doctors get paid. Perhaps if you were part of a larger community and got 'paid' for being available then it should be free.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
9 June 2013, 21:30,
RE: Bartering Medical services?
I agree with SD 100% after the SHTF I dont believe their is any room left for charity or social policies. I would not let Mrs NR use limited medical resources get used on any charity cases, and OPSEc demand no home visits.

9 June 2013, 22:26,
RE: Bartering Medical services?
I am not sure I agree,.... its a difficult one to call,..I can understand not wanting to give charity and in the main I wouldnt expect anyone to do so, but lets say River gets a call from a group who have a badly injured member, who either have very little or nothing to trade at all, and there will be many like that roaming around... and River decides not to treat the patent,... that's the kind of situation that could bring real trouble to either River if she is on her own,.. or the group she is with,...

It would be different if the trade was a carpenter or bow maker, but I think that no set rules would apply where it comes to medical, there may well be times where by you would have to make a judgement if no payment was available,... treatment or trouble
A major part of survival is invisibility.
9 June 2013, 22:33, (This post was last modified: 9 June 2013, 22:50 by Straight Shooter.)
RE: Bartering Medical services?
Yes HL that's the point , you put better than I did , but the same sentiments exactly.

and another point , NR you say you would not let your OH use limited resources , people in that profession are dedicated as a rule even when tshtf they still have their consunch

conscience even to answer to...... its not your call its hers with all due respect
10 June 2013, 00:53,
RE: Bartering Medical services?
I'll treat people first and settle the bill later. Just my decision. As for drugs and hard to get supplies, I'll be doing a lot of triage. Those with the best chance of survival will get the antibiotics. I wish I knew how to make bows or some other barterable item, but I was a paramedic so I have what I have and I can't refuse to treat someone if they can't pay. YMMV!
If at first you don't secede, try, try again!
10 June 2013, 08:17,
RE: Bartering Medical services?
There are more things to barter for than you think. Everyone has something to give.If you treat someone who is ill you can arrange a later payment or a trade,labour for medical services.

Toput it simply if you give your services for free all the time you will starve. That benefits nobody and if it is expected then nobody will admit to or want to learn having medical expertise. Why bother. You can treat yourself and your family only.

You may treat a few people for free because it suits you but it isn't a good survival strategy for you. Like I said even NHS doctors get paid.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
10 June 2013, 08:44,
RE: Bartering Medical services?
(10 June 2013, 00:53)Jonas Wrote: I'll treat people first and settle the bill later. Just my decision. As for drugs and hard to get supplies, I'll be doing a lot of triage. Those with the best chance of survival will get the antibiotics. I wish I knew how to make bows or some other barterable item, but I was a paramedic so I have what I have and I can't refuse to treat someone if they can't pay. YMMV!

Thanks Jonas for that. As supplies get scarcer, then triage will get harder. If it is a case of slapping a bandage on with a bit of duct tape, then I would probably go ahead and give my skills for free.

The problem is 'supplies'. If I am giving up some form of drugs especially scarce antibiotics or any form of string pain meds over and above paracetamol/ibuprofen/asprin, then I would expect some form of recompense.

But on the other hand, I've sat with someone a few weeks ago who was dying with Lung Cancer. The last couple of days and nights were horrible and I just wanted to give him LOTS of morphine to put him out of his misery. I don't think I could allow someone to be in pain and not do something if I could.

SK - I agree with you that taken to its logical conclusion and I would starve. I don't think that would happen. Someone would provide me with some food. On balance, and with my own ethics and world-view, it's a risk I'm ready to take.

An enjoyable debate - thanks sweeties

10 June 2013, 08:48, (This post was last modified: 10 June 2013, 08:54 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Bartering Medical services?
Nup disagree, I will not use our skills or medical kit to help anyone outside my group, Period,

Lets use Highlanders and straight shooters analogy for example. Some sheeple from the village arrives with food poisoning or some ailment from drinking untreated water.

Wifey use our deoralite and saline to treat him, we send him on our way, next minute the other 300 people in the village who have drank from the same polluted water source are coming up the road demanding deorolite, activated charcoal and saline drips and you know they are not going to take no for an answer.

It is EXACTLY the same as if someone comes looking for food and you let your humanity get the better of you and you feed him and water him and he goes back to the village, next the rest of the village is coming up the hill looking for food.

Medical supplies like food are for those who provided or paid for them, nor for chancers, scroungers and sheeple.

(10 June 2013, 08:17)Skean Dhude Wrote: There are more things to barter for than you think. Everyone has something to give.If you treat someone who is ill you can arrange a later payment or a trade,labour for medical services.

Toput it simply if you give your services for free all the time you will starve. That benefits nobody and if it is expected then nobody will admit to or want to learn having medical expertise. Why bother. You can treat yourself and your family only.

You may treat a few people for free because it suits you but it isn't a good survival strategy for you. Like I said even NHS doctors get paid.

So you treat two or three for measles, chicken pox, E coli, Thyphus, Cholera, food poisoning, malnutrition, etc what happens when they go back and tell the rest of the sheeple that them there preppers have got food, water and medical supplies.

Lose the socialist tendencies guys cos if you carry them on after TSHTF you wont survive the first wave of hungry sheeple.

(10 June 2013, 08:44)River Song Wrote: Thanks Jonas for that. As supplies get scarcer, then triage will get harder. If it is a case of slapping a bandage on with a bit of duct tape, then I would probably go ahead and give my skills for free.

Triage or supplies wont be the issue though, it will be when the guy you healed , treated fed and watered goes back to his base / village/ refugee camp/ armed gang etc and tells them " Hey that Lass up there has loads of food, water, mediical supplies, clean clothes, power etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 June 2013, 08:58, (This post was last modified: 10 June 2013, 09:15 by bigpaul.)
RE: Bartering Medical services?
exactly, its like that doctor in Survivors, she was never at home base, she was always off treating someone else, when something happened at home someone had to go off and find her! I don't like the OPSEC angle either, so the doctor would ALWAYS have to go to the patient rather than the other way round, which brings me back to my first remark.

maybe you could work in on a "timebank" principal, like an hours labour (whether your a doctor or a labourer) is equal to an hours labour, so if you did 2 hours doctoring for someone they owe you 2 hours in return.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
10 June 2013, 09:24, (This post was last modified: 10 June 2013, 09:26 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Bartering Medical services?
Lets remember history guys, After WW2, Korea and Nam, after the droughts that hit north Africa every other year you would see reports start to appear that where ever the UN set up a monitoring point or aid station that within a couple of days people would start arriving on food looking for food, water, medical care and shelter. Then within a week or two you inevitably then saw reporters on TV reporting of wave and wave of hungry, ill, sick, injured people walking immense distances for a hand full of rice or a pint of water.

Treat one sheeple but not another = resentment= trouble
Treat ten sheeple = 100 more heading your way
And as pointed out earlier in this morally bankrupt country thanks to the effects of the nanny state millions of sheeple will believe they are ENTITLED to your supplies and care cos you have stuff and they dont.

A good thread again this is Padowan Smile It exposes one of the major drawbacks of going into cooperation with other preppers who may have liberal tendencies.

Definition of a Liberal is " Someone who feels a great sense of debt to his fellow man, and intends to use your money to pay that debt"


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