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Post TU Comms / Groups and Villages
13 June 2013, 20:30, (This post was last modified: 13 June 2013, 20:40 by Highlander.)
RE: Post TU Comms / Groups and Villages
(13 June 2013, 17:34)Skean Dhude Wrote: wants is not the same as needs.

We want electrickery to make thing better but we are prepared to live without it.

I agree with SD,... if we have to do without, then that's the way things will have to be, we will have to adapt.

... but yes I would like to see the power back on,.. if we dont get the power back on and other people/countries do,.. then I am guessing that the event that turned the power off in the first place might well be the least of our problems

I remember growing up as a kid without power, we didn't have it till about the early 60`s,..and it wasn't that pleasant, I remember coming home from friends who had power and wishing we lived somewhere else

BP,..sorry, you asked how we managed.

The winters were the worst, it was starting to get dark by about 5pm, from then on life itself was dark, we lite oil lamps and candles if necessary, but the light is never great with those and very often the eyes would hurt, sometimes from the oil smoke, but more often than not the strain the eyes were put to

Once the darkness came, there was little to do, it was hard to read by that light, I would do so by the light from the fire if I could as that was a better light, I remember burning the edge of a book like that one day and getting a good hiding for it

We had a fairly big range then that was used for cooking, I remember my mum asking my dad to hold the light still so she could see into the pot,..although she did try to cook everything during the day and we would eat anything late cold

Going by candle light has always seemed a bit romantic to many people, but its not like that, in the summer, its hardly a problem, but in the winter it effects almost every part of life.,... why do you think families were big before electric, was because there was little to do but to go to bed...Smile

I remember parties around our place when we finally flicked that switch
A major part of survival is invisibility.
13 June 2013, 22:32,
RE: Post TU Comms / Groups and Villages
(13 June 2013, 17:39)bigpaul Wrote: I know you are SD, I just wondered what everyone else was going to do if the power stayed off permanently. I mean, apart from my OH has anybody ACTUALLY lived for an extended period (i.e. YEARS) without power and how did they cope?

I know what I'm going to do BP - I'm going to get by - with it or without it. Folding up in the corner can't really be an option can it? No, I haven't lived without it, I doubt that many have, but I'm not going to quit if it's not there.

14 June 2013, 08:31,
RE: Post TU Comms / Groups and Villages
(13 June 2013, 22:32)Grumpy Grandpa Wrote:
(13 June 2013, 17:39)bigpaul Wrote: I know you are SD, I just wondered what everyone else was going to do if the power stayed off permanently. I mean, apart from my OH has anybody ACTUALLY lived for an extended period (i.e. YEARS) without power and how did they cope?

I know what I'm going to do BP - I'm going to get by - with it or without it. Folding up in the corner can't really be an option can it? No, I haven't lived without it, I doubt that many have, but I'm not going to quit if it's not there.

Exactly GG, I just wondered if anyone had any experience of living that way, it seems only the oldies have this knowledge, again I wondered how the younger generation would fare seeing as how most have not even seen an open fire...unless granny had one.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
14 June 2013, 22:06,
RE: Post TU Comms / Groups and Villages
I see things the same as BP and agree with his view 100% , my grandparents lived on a small holding about 2 - 3 miles from this keyboard , no electricity, no mains water and no mains sewer . I remember the valve set radio powered by ( accumulators) or batteries as most on here would call them, my weekly chore was to walk the 2 miles every Saturday to collect the charged up 2 and hand in the other 2 for charging , that was the luxury for gran, ....and us boys (DICK BARTON SPECIAL AGENT ) the light was supplied via 2 oil lamps " THE BEST ONE and the day to day one , and loads of candles on the dresser, with the battery torch with the blue EVERREADY batteries cause gran was progressive and practical especially walking to the outside loo. I know I will manage no power and adapt to not having it , to be honest there will be a lot more to worry about than just power we can contemplate that lot on dark winter nights ( HOW TO FEED YOUR GROUP )
15 June 2013, 08:52, (This post was last modified: 15 June 2013, 08:53 by bigpaul.)
RE: Post TU Comms / Groups and Villages
(14 June 2013, 22:06)Straight Shooter Wrote: I know I will manage no power and adapt to not having it , to be honest there will be a lot more to worry about than just power

exactly SS, mankind has lived before for centuries without power, electricity is a fairly recent invention and I believe will be the least of our problems.

my maternal grandparents were farmers, they didn't have any mains power or drainage on the farm, even a generator was a luxury and I don't think they could afford one.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
15 June 2013, 18:42,
RE: Post TU Comms / Groups and Villages
Truth is BP I am half looking forward to it , and come on folks most of us are.. I think it would be a forward step and not a backwards disaster, its about time we worked for our needs and not our wants and save our earth.... okay lots will die in the struggle to survive and may well be us, but I am up for and up to the fight , and maybe when we prevail we all respect the nature and order of things from once we came....and get rid of them f...king X boxes and mobile phones .....enter the pigeon , cart , real bread, real butter, and yes hard work.
16 June 2013, 08:53,
RE: Post TU Comms / Groups and Villages
(15 June 2013, 18:42)Straight Shooter Wrote: Truth is BP I am half looking forward to it , and come on folks most of us are.. I think it would be a forward step and not a backwards disaster, its about time we worked for our needs and not our wants and save our earth.... okay lots will die in the struggle to survive and may well be us, but I am up for and up to the fight , and maybe when we prevail we all respect the nature and order of things from once we came....and get rid of them f...king X boxes and mobile phones .....enter the pigeon , cart , real bread, real butter, and yes hard work.

Exactly SS, you and I and a few others on here think alike, must be a generation thing?? technology is ok...this internet thing is handy, but do we need all these x boxes and play stations and such? I can remember a time before mobile phones now everyone has them clamped to their ears 24/7!! I want to get back to a simpler way of living.."closer to the earth", where we didn't EXPLOIT mother nature but only took what we needed to survive.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
16 June 2013, 10:44,
RE: Post TU Comms / Groups and Villages
I too BP remember when no one had mobiles pre 1990 days ....because my Dad was ill we didn't get a phone till 1987 ! and in the 70s I remember my Dad leaving a pile of 2ps on the mantle piece before he left to do his nightshifts etc.....everyone knew what to do in an emergency etc back then and unlike today vandalism wasn't that common on then as the whole council estate needed that on at some point !! ahh happy days back then ! put it this way you didn't crap yourself if you went out as you got on a bus and said "oh no ...ive forgot my mobile" I mean its not like it was a paracute ..when on a plane etc..!! most sheeple today IMO have a FEAR that something BAD will happen to them if they don't take it with them everywhere...!!! after the SHTF no mobiles ....great ...we must get on with it and it will be a massive shock to a lot !!! depending on them bloody things !.
16 June 2013, 11:02,
RE: Post TU Comms / Groups and Villages
(16 June 2013, 10:44)RoadWarrior Wrote: after the SHTF it will be a massive shock to a lot !!!

I think there will be a lot of people/sheeple post shtf who will just not know how to cope! I mean they just have never experienced a life without mobiles, Xboxes and all the rest.....I try to say to people(with their phones clamped to their ears)" you are not indispensable..get a life"! not that anyone listens to me/don't make eye contact... when the electricity goes off and the phone towers go down and the petrol stations are empty, a lot of people are just going to go crazy!!! eventually when the dust settles it will be a better life, a different one but for the better.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
7 July 2013, 12:26,
RE: Post TU Comms / Groups and Villages
Ok - so this thread got somewhat hijacked by the usual suspects :-)

My OP was about communications not electricity.

The handhelds that people are talking about don't have a great rabge - I think about 5 miles in a good direction.

So assume I'm looking for a

1. SW Receiver that can run on 12v. Suggestions? What Aerial (simpletalk please)

2. SW Transeiver 12v - Same thoughts ?

Pretty please

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