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fight or negotiation
15 June 2013, 11:54,
RE: fight or negotiation
(15 June 2013, 11:43)Binnie Wrote: and the personal insults started when you claim i have rose tinted glasses and not HL btw :O

i totally get the fact there will be loners and outcasts, if thats the route you want to go down then fine by me Smile

If i stumble across a community on my travels, or should my local community look after themselves, hopfeully i'll be able to bring something to the party. the lone wolf option can work for some, but not the majority

yes the sooner we unite after shtf the better for us and our kids , just think of england after the romans saxons dutes vikings all fighting each other but over time we became one , and only had the jocks and taffs to deal with [eazy peasy ] TongueBig GrinSmileHeartHeart
Survive the jive (youtube )
15 June 2013, 11:57, (This post was last modified: 15 June 2013, 11:59 by bigpaul.)
RE: fight or negotiation
(15 June 2013, 11:54)Sunna Wrote:
(15 June 2013, 11:43)Binnie Wrote: and the personal insults started when you claim i have rose tinted glasses and not HL btw :O

i totally get the fact there will be loners and outcasts, if thats the route you want to go down then fine by me Smile

If i stumble across a community on my travels, or should my local community look after themselves, hopfeully i'll be able to bring something to the party. the lone wolf option can work for some, but not the majority

yes the sooner we unite after shtf the better for us and our kids , just think of england after the romans saxons dutes vikings all fighting each other but over time we became one , and only had the jocks and taffs to deal with [eazy peasy ] TongueBig GrinSmileHeartHeart

yes agreed, but, like others, I believe that will be a long time maybe decades if not more before we can think of communities and such, immediately post shtf it will be everyone for themselves just trying to stay alive, trust MAY get you a knife in the back. the posts by SS and P1 on "the collapse of society"....its not just me that thinks like this.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
15 June 2013, 12:24,
RE: fight or negotiation
I've been in situations before, I'd try not to fight unless they initiated it, injuries is the last thing I would want out there! Also depends on the situation if they had guns or knives
Winning is not enough
15 June 2013, 13:29,
RE: fight or negotiation
(15 June 2013, 11:43)Binnie Wrote: and the personal insults started when you claim i have rose tinted glasses

"rose tinted" glasses is NOT a personal insult, and if your gonna get upset by a remark like that how on earth will you get on post shtf when you'll be getting worse remarks than that!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
15 June 2013, 15:50, (This post was last modified: 15 June 2013, 16:48 by bigpaul.)
RE: fight or negotiation
I suppose because I've been around for a bit longer than most here, and I have lived in a city, some would say I have a negative attitude , I have seen what the human animal is capable of and believe me what they can do to each other is not pretty, and post shtf this will get ten times worse as they scrabble for every scrap of food and drop of water. unlike some( my sister in law for one) I am under no illusions as to how bad it will be (for a while at least) and that is what I am trying to put over in my posts, some people don't like that, some people don't want to believe that, I can only say what I believe will happen when it all goes T.U. and hope to prepare folks for what is to come. if you want to read the account of someone who has ACTUALLY lived through this I suggest you read SELCO's account of his experiences on

I was brought up as an "only" child and have spent most of my life on my own, I have been married 3 times and divorced twice...see there's that trust thing again..i think that has also coloured my thinking...hence the "loner" philosophy.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
15 June 2013, 21:00,
RE: fight or negotiation
taffys and jocks easy f..k at this point I promise not to mention rugby easy peasy nice n EASY, sorry sunna but you need to respect your elders nobody likes cheeky kids , I know your new and finding your feet ...we all do that including me, I try to see all points of view on all replies , I find the debates have changed my views on some things and reinforced others I hold , we all have ideas and hold a passion for that line of thought or standpoint ( that is the very essence of this great forum ) not so much to instil one view....but to embrace all views , and all can take or leave it if they so desire, now bugger off and go .play nice with the other kids. no malice or offence intended.
15 June 2013, 21:05,
RE: fight or negotiation
The key to all this is survival, and how we deal with any situation that may come our way in order to survive,.. I think we can all agree to that

So,.. my main stores are hidden, they will not be found easily, so the bad guys come to my house looking for food, I could fight, but likely lose, that's not me surviving, or I could sneek off into the darkness,.. that's surviving.

If I am taken unaware and there is a confrontation, I will step aside and let them in,... thats not to say I would not be ready to fight, because I would if I had to,... but it would be better to let them in and let them take what little food they can,...with us complaining about going to starve

I still think that not many people would kill when there is no resistance,...let them think they have the upper hand, and they are more likley to go away laughing their socks off

remember, I haven't said I wouldn't fight,... but I have said that I would avoid it if at at all possible
A major part of survival is invisibility.
15 June 2013, 21:08,
RE: fight or negotiation
My view also HL
15 June 2013, 23:05,
RE: fight or negotiation
Fight to survive. Whilst negotiation may allow you to avoid violence, the fact you are negotiating at all
The mindset post-shtf is the same as pre-shtf.
Avoid places where confrontation will occur. (We do this by prepping so we can hide whilst everyone else kills each other for diminishing loot. You can also do this by not going to dangerous places, and having a carefully planned bug out route)
Be aware of your surroundings. (Condition yellow, could be as simple as checking behind you in the reflection of windows, or patrols around your BOL.)
De-escalate the situation. (There are many things worth fighting for. A spilt drink is not one of them, as one example. You may be able to get them to go away, thought it is more likely, in a immediate disaster aftermath, that they are just looking to justify attacking you)
Finally, strike first, fast and hard. Then GTFO. Or re-secure your perimeter, which ever is more appropriate.

I would be absolutely willing to kill to defend my life or property. Taking someones property is as good as a death sentence post-shtf.
There is no excuse for them not prepping. I really don't have much sympathy for those who don't even question the systems that keep them alive, or stop to think about how things reported on even the watered down mainstream media could effect them, and then are left up shit creak because they bought something stupid instead of a 20 pound bag of F***ing rice that could feed them for a month.

Ragnar Benson said, (Paraphrased) If you must die, die with the wind to your face, not in some stinking hellhole 2000 miles away amongst people you neither know nor care about
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8
15 June 2013, 23:22,
RE: fight or negotiation
(15 June 2013, 21:05)Highlander Wrote: I still think that not many people would kill when there is no resistance,...let them think they have the upper hand, and they are more likley to go away laughing their socks off

I's sorry HL but I don't think you're right on this one. They won't just think they have the upper hand - they'll actually have you by the short and curlies and I don't think they'll be likely to just go away.

You've handed over control to them and they're going to like your setup. Remember, where you are, they won't be locals - where are they staying? Out in the weather? Or in your comfortable home?


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