11 July 2013, 12:08,
Skean Dhude
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RE: What have done towards your prep?
Time for that FAC then NR?
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
11 July 2013, 12:24,
prepper operator
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RE: What have done towards your prep?
(11 July 2013, 12:08)Skean Dhude Wrote: Time for that FAC then NR?
Nup time for more practice, an FAC does not guarentee you can shoot a rifle accurately only practice, same with archery and bow hunting.
Perhaps a different style of bow or one with a different draw length as the Banshee is just a tad short for my draw. Just gotta get much more consistant and comfy with the gear.
11 July 2013, 13:33,
Skean Dhude
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RE: What have done towards your prep?
I was more thinking of your old bones sneaking up on the wildlife. Shooting from 150 yards away may give you a chance.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
14 July 2013, 16:05,
Grumpy Grandpa
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RE: What have done towards your prep?
What have I done towards my preps? Well in truth, not a lot just recently. I don’t know about you guys but I feel afflicted by the general malaise that seems to have (temporarily!) struck at the Forum.
It’s exactly 80 days today since I came across SUK and I felt then as though the blinkers had been taken off. “How could I have been so blind for all this time?†I thought, “But it’s not too late. You’re not that old! Get in there!â€Â
So I did! With SUK (and the thoughts and posts of the many more experienced than I,) for guidance and the many prepping sites that I soon found were out there, I began to learn; I began to communicate with people of like mind (though the Forum); I created lists (plenty of lists!); began to build a library (and began to read from there, instead of my usual fare); bookmarked many sites of value (my new values!) (and refer to them regularly); old skills were dusted down and new ones begun (mentally at least – I’m not in the best of positions to work practically, although there are many things I can do!).
So 80 days on, what’s happening now? As I said, not a lot really. Having ridden the crest of the wave, I find myself now in the trough; it feels harder now to maintain the discipline. I feel tempted again by my companion of old – the TV in the corner. I have held on to the joy of watching Formula 1 but it’s a simple click of a switch to change the screen back from monitor to television and there were so many other programmes that I enjoyed too – followed slavishly even. They seem to be calling me back. My books – in a box in the corner, they call me too. They were moved off the shelves to give me more storage for prepping related publications, printed downloads, stored water (at the bottom) and some small pieces of equipment that I have managed to gather. Climbing and mountaineering history books, motorsports, science fiction, they’re all crying out to be re-handled.
NR relates that the Forum does have its summer lulls but quickly recovers as autumn approaches. In the same way, I know that this low is only one part of the cycle - after all, without the lows, how would we know the pleasure of the highs? While the cycle seems to be stalled at the moment, it will carry on and I’m quite sure that the Scottish Meet next weekend will prove for me to be the trigger. In the meantime, while bringing back some balance with the old interests, I’ll plod on – reading here, learning there – doing something each day, no matter how small, always remembering why – I have a family that I’m responsible for...
14 July 2013, 16:20,
West Coast, Scottish Highlands
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RE: What have done towards your prep?
I think that Prepping can be something that could easily eat away at you, after all, you are never finished, we need this and that,.. but hang on we need this first, and where is the money coming from for all these items, and will the shtf before I am ready?
Thats the wrong way to go about prepping, true, the prepping is never done, but if we were to go at it the way we would if we had a million in the bank we would be consumed by it all
So whats the answer?,... for us, we have promised ourselves that we will treat prepping as a hobby, we will buy little and often, we have a set cost that we are willing to put toward things each week, keeping some back for large things like the wind turbine
So,... for us it doesn't matter that the forum is slow at times, the computer is on and I pop in from time to time, but its not the end of the world or the end of prepping if there are no posts, when there are no posts, I look up something that someone has said, or an idea I got from something else,... I can sit for hours with a couple of coffee`s and work out the best way to do this or to store that,.. where can I get something from, or can I make that
To us the forum is a place to gain ideas, and often shape them to our own situations,.... but dont go at it full pelt, slowing down doesn't mean we stop, we are just thinking or planning
A major part of survival is invisibility.
14 July 2013, 16:28,
Skean Dhude
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RE: What have done towards your prep?
Prepping is not a hobby imo. It is a way of life and like everything else you shouldn't invest every moment and every penny into it.
Many people are treating it as a hobby and good luck to them. They are enjoying learning and practising. Just like they would a hobby.
If you don't think it is a hobby, then my view is it is no different to insurance. Something you have tp pay just in case. I don't like paying insurance but I do like some things with prepping so it is better. Don't make it the be and end all. Make it like going shopping, to the dentist, to the doctors, etc. Something that has to be done.
But something that needs done.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
14 July 2013, 16:30,
Posts: 733
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RE: What have done towards your prep?
I took a day last week and completely reorganized the pantry. I found some out-of-date items that will be used up in the next two weeks, some stale peanuts that our local squirrel population finished off in about five minutes, and some holes in the supplies that I have to fill on the next trip to the grocery store.
I'm going to adjust our dog's menu too - she won't be happy with a switch to half canned, half dry dog food, but I really do have to store more dog food since she's our primary alarm system/prowler deterrent. She'd be even less happy if she wasn't being fed!
If at first you don't secede, try, try again!
14 July 2013, 16:43,
West Coast, Scottish Highlands
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RE: What have done towards your prep?
I still like to place prepping into the `hobby` category, but dont get me wrong, I still think of it in very serious terms,.... but as opposed to treating it as something that `has` to be done [ even though I know it has to be done ] having it as a `hobby` seems to make it more enjoyable,...I have no idea if that makes any sense to anyone else but me
I just think that if I thought about it in any other way it may well get me/people down very easily,..after all we all hate paying out for insurance, yet SD is right, prepping is insurance,...... there is just more than one way of thinking about it
....at least in our heads we find prepping enjoyable, and we never get any sort of negative feelings about how our prepping is going,..and the prepping never stops
A major part of survival is invisibility.
14 July 2013, 17:37,
Grumpy Grandpa
Posts: 658
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RE: What have done towards your prep?
HL, SD, my thanks to you both for the responses.
I do understand what you're saying HL. Putting prepping in the 'hobby' compartment mentally, makes it no less a serious issue. Then, like any other 'hobby', it will cost a bit but only what you're willing to give at any one time, to get something back - the pleasure that a 'hobby' rewards you with and the bonus of the knowledge that you're better prepared. Does that make sense to you?
SD, for me, I do now recognise the need for balance but also the necessity for maintaining direction and progress. Yes, for me it will be a 'way of life', after all, there's little to be envied in my old one!
14 July 2013, 19:58,
RE: What have done towards your prep?
GG its quite normal what your feeling pal, don't worry ! you will soon come to realize you do not want to get of the bus, lack of posts ....... well I would say the regulars are catching their breaths is all and recharging those mental batteries . I have slowed up on input of late BUT that's down to prepping the house ...been some major stuff going on, and when work comes in I got to get on with that to get the funds for my prepps , but I NEVER get fed up with my lot....and its holiday time to.....or just plain chill out time....a change of pace , does the soul good. Preparation is now a way of life for me at least....hobby....insurance ....all good ...but for me its something I have to do ....I am driven by the events unfolding before me ...in short ....I have to do this, for mine cause their eyes are wide SHUT ....and do not forget....the likes of BP, NR, JP, UKS, HL, TL, and the list go's on .....put a lot of time and effort into posts the research takes ages ...we all need to recognize the work involved and applaud the their time FOR US ...but for all that its pressure for them to keep bringing to the table ...and do not assume that just a reply to the post will do , that's just a part of the participation .....Create a post for yourself......never worry about is my post worth something or its not as good as so and so,s pile in there and have a go ..we will get with your post....okay back to the thread, been on my garden ....and the eating is good, more tins, rice, oil lamps 2 big and I mean big for £12.00 to go with the 5 I already have , need more paraffin , petrol, and derv....more candles to add next week , oh yes ! I might be quiet but I prepp EVERY WEEK .......WITHOUT FAIL!