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Devon and Cornwall will be inundated with refugees? Ifs, maybes, and conjecture
25 March 2014, 15:26,
RE: Devon and Cornwall will be inundated with refugees? Ifs, maybes, and conjecture
You really are grasping at straws now.

So there infections break, shall I lock myself away inside my and avoid contact with others, or shall I leave and mingle with thousands of others who could be potentially infacted.

Dirty bombs are also unlikely to have enough radioactive material to contaminate large areas even if dropped from height.

Most people will simply sit tight - they are not preppers or even educated enough to make their own decisions, they will be glued to their TV's watching it unfold around themselves.

As for setting of a 'few' they will struggle to have enough radioactive material for a single device, let alone a few.
25 March 2014, 15:29, (This post was last modified: 25 March 2014, 15:33 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Devon and Cornwall will be inundated with refugees? Ifs, maybes, and conjecture
LS, I think I saw it originally in a B movie where the bad guys (not muslims) deliberately infected themselves with a very contagious disease then just road trains and buses and eat in fast food joints, went to crowded cinemas and a baseball game, a casino etc.

Nukes, bacteria, virus, or bullets it ensures the wise shop online and don't use public transport Smile.

BTW another snippet about dirty bombs they don't even have to be highly radioactive materials like gamma radiation, it can be very weak Alpha particles they spread with a bomb, Alpha particles cannot hurt you if they touch your skin, but if you inhale them your in a real pickle. That's why the nastiest dirty bombs would be small just designed to spread even a few dozen grams of material across an area.

Devon with respect do mind mind if I not continue this chat with you, you clearly have done little or no research and have a completely closed mind to all aspects of this issue.

Your mindset is simply to closed and to narrow for me to interact with, I don't mean any offence but we are only completely different lines of thought so rather than either of us trying to change each others view you just follow your beliefs and I will follow mine.

25 March 2014, 15:35,
RE: Devon and Cornwall will be inundated with refugees? Ifs, maybes, and conjecture
Cheers NR. Chilling thought about self-infected disease carriers.

I wonder if its a true threat?
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
25 March 2014, 15:38,
RE: Devon and Cornwall will be inundated with refugees? Ifs, maybes, and conjecture
if terrorists had enough material for a dirty bomb they would have done it by now several times over, initially they're target would be America not the UK, we are just a secondary target as the "poodle" of the US. again I believe the number being quoted are out of all proportion, most sheeple will stay put and wait for announcements on the tv, they just wont believe it is happening to them and by the time they do react it will be too late. again I don't say some wont leave but the numbers will be small. half the population of London speaks 50 other languages except English and most will head for Birmingham/Manchester/Oldham where the rest of their kinfolk liveBig Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
25 March 2014, 15:39,
RE: Devon and Cornwall will be inundated with refugees? Ifs, maybes, and conjecture
God its like pulling teeth.

"Dirty bombs are also unlikely to have enough radioactive material to contaminate large areas even if dropped from height."

Wrong, wrong, wrong on all counts, a dirty bomb only needs to be a few grams of radioactive material, A FEW GRAMS, it doesn't even need to be emitting gamma radiation it can be the much weaker Alpha particle material, it just needs to be scattered in the wind a few meters off the ground and it doesn't even need to spread evenly, it just needs to linger around that area meaning until its totally decontaminated that area is unsafe, you only need to inhale a particle or two of alpha emitting particles and it will kill you within weeks or months. Governments would face multi billion pound bills to clean up the infect areas or depopulate them and isolate them for a few hundred years.

You don't need to make people glow in the dark, just make it so the environment is unsafe.

25 March 2014, 15:45,
RE: Devon and Cornwall will be inundated with refugees? Ifs, maybes, and conjecture
then why haven't they done it already??? if what you say is true what are they waiting for? because they haven't got the material that's why. non starter, end of.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
25 March 2014, 15:47,
RE: Devon and Cornwall will be inundated with refugees? Ifs, maybes, and conjecture
(25 March 2014, 15:39)NorthernRaider Wrote: God its like pulling teeth.

"Dirty bombs are also unlikely to have enough radioactive material to contaminate large areas even if dropped from height."

Wrong, wrong, wrong on all counts, a dirty bomb only needs to be a few grams of radioactive material, A FEW GRAMS, it doesn't even need to be emitting gamma radiation it can be the much weaker Alpha particle material, it just needs to be scattered in the wind a few meters off the ground and it doesn't even need to spread evenly, it just needs to linger around that area meaning until its totally decontaminated that area is unsafe, you only need to inhale a particle or two of alpha emitting particles and it will kill you within weeks or months. Governments would face multi billion pound bills to clean up the infect areas or depopulate them and isolate them for a few hundred years.

You don't need to make people glow in the dark, just make it so the environment is unsafe.

NR, perhaps you would like to read the following fact sheet and then re-evaluate the scaremongering and misinformation that you are spreading:
25 March 2014, 15:49,
RE: Devon and Cornwall will be inundated with refugees? Ifs, maybes, and conjecture
Lightspeed Offline
RE: Devon and Cornwall will be inundated with refugees? Ifs, maybes, and conjecture
Cheers NR. Chilling thought about self-infected disease carriers.
I wonder if its a true threat?

I believe so (I know Dev wont) but historically its a common method of fighting wars. Catapulting dead plague victims over castle walls, hiding infected grain in food supplies to enemy cities with that fungus that is deadly to many mammals, infecting POWs with horrible infectious diseases and releasing them into the enemy population ( Japan in China in the 30s) deliberately adding cholera and typhus infected tissue to water sources. We even built up stocks of Anthrax only 50 years ago originally thet were to be used on Germany in WW2 but plans were made to drop it on the Soviets. The Merkins still have an active bio war program though they claim it was closed down ( it wasn't it was just privatised I believe) they actually " Found" 160 tons of something like Sarin or Tabun in a bunker some place they " thought" had been destroyed. All military nations have experimented with weaponised disease such as Hanta, Ebola, Bubonic and Pneumonic plague, Anthrax, Small pox, Measles, etc so you can be sure organised terror movements will be hoping to do something similar.

25 March 2014, 15:50,
RE: Devon and Cornwall will be inundated with refugees? Ifs, maybes, and conjecture
Your scenario of being infected with Ebola is however far more plausible .........
25 March 2014, 15:53,
RE: Devon and Cornwall will be inundated with refugees? Ifs, maybes, and conjecture
"hope" being the operative word. we can all hope, don't mean it'll happen.....whatever it is. I'd hope to be "omega man/I am legend" but it probably wont happenBig Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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