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Top 10 Ways the Earth Might End
6 May 2014, 09:04,
Top 10 Ways the Earth Might End
Fun little video about the top 10 ways the world could end.

What do you think?
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
6 May 2014, 11:48,
RE: Top 10 Ways the Earth Might End
not given it much thought TBH, if the world ends were all dead, the end!Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
6 May 2014, 15:43,
RE: Top 10 Ways the Earth Might End
We need to do something about those robots!!!
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
7 May 2014, 12:05,
RE: Top 10 Ways the Earth Might End
There's only one certainty as to the ultimate fate of Earth. When the Sun uses all of it's nuclear material it will swell up in size. As the Sun swells into a red giant the Earth will first be turned to desert as the temperatures creep up, then eventually it will get so hot the oceans will boil away. The Sun will fill the entire sky and the Earth will melt to be consumed by the outer layers of the Sun. Don't worry we'll be well extinct by then.
7 May 2014, 19:03,
RE: Top 10 Ways the Earth Might End
(7 May 2014, 12:05)Tartar Horde Wrote: There's only one certainty as to the ultimate fate of Earth. When the Sun uses all of it's nuclear material it will swell up in size. As the Sun swells into a red giant the Earth will first be turned to desert as the temperatures creep up, then eventually it will get so hot the oceans will boil away. The Sun will fill the entire sky and the Earth will melt to be consumed by the outer layers of the Sun. Don't worry we'll be well extinct by then.

What if the plasma universe theory is correct? That would hugely change the situation with that theory.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
8 May 2014, 10:53,
RE: Top 10 Ways the Earth Might End
It's not a theory Scythe, it's scientific fact that this will happen to the Sun, as borne out by scientific observation of other Sun's that have done the same thing.
8 May 2014, 13:49,
RE: Top 10 Ways the Earth Might End
(8 May 2014, 10:53)Tartar Horde Wrote: It's not a theory Scythe, it's scientific fact that this will happen to the Sun, as borne out by scientific observation of other Sun's that have done the same thing.

Just as when the world was flat it was scientific fact?

If we look back in time, we would laugh at how little people knew 1000 years ago, and how primitive their technology and understanding was. The same as what will happen in 1000 years time with the things that we believe we KNOW.

As technology and our understanding progressed, from 1000AD to 2000AD, science showed that what we know to be "100% true, scientifically proven fact", e.g. the world was flat, smoking was good for your health, carbon-dating is accurate, O.J. Simpson was innocent....was actually not correct or it is incomplete in it's understanding. We have proven MANY of the theories of the last 1000 years and beyond, to be wrong. Even Einstin's E=MC2 calculation is under attack and potentially flawed.

The science of the next 1000 years will likely prove much of what we know TODAY to be incorrect or incomplete. So, to assume that what we currently understand and 'know to be true' is 100% set in stone and is not open to the possibility of being proven wrong is actually a hinderance to knowledge.

I think you'd love the Plasma Universe theory TH. Really interesting, and by it's provability and it's logical sequencing, it is as solid a theory as the big bang. However, it's not as well recognised, publicised, and certainly not taught. But in 20 years time, who knows, it may be taking the place of the big bang and those other theories, e.g. the life cycle of a star.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
8 May 2014, 20:27,
RE: Top 10 Ways the Earth Might End
Ask any Astronomer or Physicist Scythe this is the fate of our Sun, and many billions of Stars in our Galaxy. It was never a fact that the Earth was flat, Eratosthenes of Cyrene, 276BC, A greek Astronomer and writer calculated the circumference of the Earth proving it was spherical, he even calculated the ecliptic plane, showing the Earth's tilt on it's axis. The "flat" earth concept comes from the influence of the Church which wanted to control all forms of knowledge, hence the slide into ignorance and stupidity during the Dark ages. Ironically these writing only came to light again during our contact with the more educated Muslims who translated the Greek into Arabic.
8 May 2014, 20:46,
RE: Top 10 Ways the Earth Might End
I agree mate. I Really do. But you are missing the bulk of the point I'm failing to make clear.

But the vast majority of what we currently know will be seen as being 'crude' by standards in the future. Much of the work about universal phenomena is based on theory. We, humans, have not been on the planet long enough to properly study what's really going on.

Have you looked at the 'plasma universe' theory? Again, a theory, just like the big bang, just like black holes, just like the lifecycle of the stars. We know they exist, but all we have are theories about their behaviour.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin

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