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How long do you think?
23 February 2012, 14:21,
RE: How long do you think?
(23 February 2012, 14:10)Scythe13 Wrote: I'm kind of surprised by the response this thread has recieved.

i don't know why? natural disasters can happen at any time undersea earthquake = tsunami.
As im replying to this www3 could have started with one person with an itchy finger. This is a hard one S13
Failure is NOT an option
23 February 2012, 15:06,
RE: How long do you think?
i think the answer is it could happen anytime, maybe this year, i quite expect some kind of terrorist event at the Olympics, maybe the EU will collapse at any time or maybe a flu pandemic or something like that.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
23 February 2012, 15:07,
RE: How long do you think?
It is not hard. It is impossible. We all have opinions but that is all they are and if it were a clear date then TPTB would work to avoid it not prepare for it.

Unexpected issues are exactly that, unexpected and thus,for ordinary people, unpredicatable.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
23 February 2012, 15:38,
RE: How long do you think?
(23 February 2012, 13:41)Scythe13 Wrote: [

That makes sense.

But the question still remains, when do people expect something to happen haha.

I said a week or more ago, I believe its happening right now as we type. We are watching the global economy go tits up, we are watching Islam spread west unchecked by lack of political will, we are seeing crime and anti social behaviour rise weekly as law and order collapse, we are seeing crimes that were once rare and horredously shocking become common place compound by the punishment being lessened, we are seeing entire areas of cities become no go areas for many social and cultural groups, we are seeing teens joining gangs just to survive ala Columbia, Somalia etc style, we are seeing other parts of cities become lawless whilst others become ghettoes whilst others become dominate by one imported ethnic group. We see rioting not for a cause but because they CAN and for no other reason. We see energy and fod and fuel prices push the cost of those commodities out of reach of ever more people, we see the rich and influence, tunneling, wall building and relocating like made to safer fortified communities, it goes on and on, its not going to be a spectacular Hollwood type of event, its far far worse in the silent insidious creeping cancer type event that many people dont see sneeking up on them .

I would wager that not one of us on this forum would have talked openly ten years ago about arming ourselves regardless of the law to ensure we could protect our families, ten years ago few of us talking about moving out of town, at worst we thought Bug Out Bags were all we needed for a few weeks, now we realise we may never be able to come home again. NOW we realise that our government is as much a threat to us as terrorism or economic collapse.

Turn the telly on and watch your children future be poured into bankrupt financial instiutions and the EU, watch as bankers piss themselves laughing as YOU pick up the bill for their ruination of our economy as they pick up bonuses. You carry on looking for cheaper cuts of meat and cheaper tins of beans as they bulk buy Bollinger to quaff.
Your wasting your time waiting for a spectacular we are going out with a wimper not a bang.

NOW Sir, the time is NOW.

23 February 2012, 15:50,
RE: How long do you think?
In reply to N.R. in the above post...
Well said sir well said.

I believe we're in for a long slow drawn out, potentialy violent and bloody future for us and our kids if you have any. As N.R . says "The time is now"
Dont turn your back on the world watch it closely see the sign's, analyse the news, prep hard as you can as funds allow, be prepared, make your plans, get ready for the chaos to come.

"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
23 February 2012, 17:06,
RE: How long do you think?
These are the kind of responses I was wondering about.

NR you seem to forcast TSHTF very poetically.

Since we all seem to feel the poop dropping towards the fan, does anyone think there will be a 'snap' on the social order?

What I mean the SNAP is the idea that one event will drive the masses to revolution and anarchy. For example, the student protests, or another black kid being shot by police, or some retarded political idea being passed, or something like that?

I know things like WW3 would also count as 'the snap'. So that's my next question.

What do people think of a sudden event causing the poop to reach the fan, or do we expect a more drawn out view like NR's?
23 February 2012, 17:26,
RE: How long do you think?
i think it will be more of a "domino" effect rather than a sudden event. maybe along the lines of Greece defaults on its debts( even after having 2 bail outs), Italy, Portugal and Spain go into a major recession maybe bringing on the break up of the EU, causing economic breakdown in the UK, more redundancies, firm's shut down, unemployment goes up even more, eventually causing protests and riots, looting and burning and finally we have W.R.O.L. and its WTSHTF.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
23 February 2012, 18:39,
RE: How long do you think?
(23 February 2012, 17:06)Scythe13 Wrote: These are the kind of responses I was wondering about.

NR you seem to forcast TSHTF very poetically.

Since we all seem to feel the poop dropping towards the fan, does anyone think there will be a 'snap' on the social order?

This requires ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS as well as socio/ political vconditions to ignite. IE The snap could have occured today after the public sector were told they aint getting a rise again whilst bankers get huge bonuses. BUT if they had made that announcement during a warm sunny perdio in July or August , protests by the public sector could easily evolve into civil unrest then anarchy. I think a warm summer in our inner cities could provide the catalyst for riots far greater than last Augusts unrest.

24 February 2012, 09:36,
RE: How long do you think?
(23 February 2012, 18:39)NorthernRaider Wrote: BUT if they had made that announcement during a warm sunny perdio in July or August , protests by the public sector could easily evolve into civil unrest then anarchy. I think a warm summer in our inner cities could provide the catalyst for riots far greater than last Augusts unrest.

It's funny you should say that. When I was workin in Lpool and the riots kicked off, we all laughed that they stopped when the weather went bad. That's how Greece managed that super-riot a few years back, because they have good weather and people are willing to stand up for what they believe in when it's nice and dry outside.

It's retarded really. If you were to make a molotov out of chip fat oil, it should get crazy big when the rain hits it. Like when theres a chip pan fire and you throw water on it. But people never think of that. Probably because it wouldn't actually happen like that haha.
24 February 2012, 09:47,
RE: How long do you think?
Up here the Ragworth riots in 92 only occured we believe on a tuesday mid August because (A) we had a long few very warm days from the previous friday, (B) The dole giros arrived in Tuesday morning allowing em to get tanked up and © the local dealer who kept the chavs loaded got arrested. By the Satuuraday the money had ran out and it started raining so the chavs crawled back under the rocks they had came from.

Long warm summer nights
Availability of booze drugs
Benefits paid day
and a trigger like an arrest.


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