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our kids, our future
2 November 2014, 13:53,
RE: our kids, our future
stepdaughter teaches at a college, students don't want to learn, all they want is to know just enough to pass the exam.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
2 November 2014, 13:54,
RE: our kids, our future
Avon road Tolladine but I went to ronksy primary then nunnery wood.....I took my partner to show her where I grew up...she locked the car doors and said"get me out of here NOW!" lol I don't think it was that bad all those years ago
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
2 November 2014, 14:50,
RE: our kids, our future
down my daughters back about two months ago ...grandson starts crying his eyes out upstairs......What's wrong mum asked.......garbled responce.......stamps downstairs.....comes into the lounge ......he killed me ! ....tears running down his cheeks .......WTH is going on I ask ....its alright dad......someone has killed him on Xbox...that's are banned on Xbox for the rest of the day ....was mums responce .......I was dumbfounded.......get bloody rid altogether I said......... by this time grandson is screaming no I want to go on again.....although they all have outdoor stuff to do ...given the choice Xbox wins out everytime............progress...not to far down the road All will have interactive devices injected under the skin.
2 November 2014, 16:03,
RE: our kids, our future
future humans will have thumbs that can swivel 360 degrees and no legs!!!Tongue
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
3 November 2014, 11:37,
RE: our kids, our future
lots of the big council estates were built close to where the work was just look at south brum , loads of big estates for the car industry .

now no car industry ,same in Sheffield , no steel , kiddeminster , carpets , stoke on trent , pots and plates. youend up with large amounts of folk living where theirs no work.

how do we get round this...?
Survive the jive (youtube )
3 November 2014, 16:40,
RE: our kids, our future
Lower corporate taxes.

Eliminate VAT.

Lower individual income taxes.

Eliminate restrictions on private decision making.

Provide incentives for production (increased profit).

Realize that what has been promoted as the "common good" is not the "common good".

Businesses close because they can make no profit.

Businesses flourish when they can show a healthy profit.

Provide a climate where profit is not considered a sin and you will have massive hiring and full employment.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
3 November 2014, 17:21,
RE: our kids, our future
I agree with that MB ...the USA used to have some resemblance to those ideals .... but that looks like its collapsing fast, thanks to the fed and the big corperations, this side of the pond we have form.....of being fu.ked over and over.
3 November 2014, 18:01,
RE: our kids, our future
MB, A man after my own heart. The truth is Capitalism has never been given free reign but socialism has, and every time it fails with the deaths of millions.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
3 November 2014, 20:35,
RE: our kids, our future
Do you remember what it was like back in the day? You came home from school, grabbed a glass of milk and biscuits and shot off outside to play. If you were lucky you had a bike or a place to play tennis, and the hours passed until it was time for supper and then bed. Well, I think technology is a wonderful thing, but it has its place... and it is not in a child's bedroom! I dread to think what is going to happen if the power goes down - no iphones, no Xboxes, no TV. Can you just imagine what a load of little zombies those children are going to be? They will be useless, lazy adults. I personally will classify them as potential dog food. God help them all.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
3 November 2014, 20:52,
RE: our kids, our future
There were studied done that show younger people now re more adept at using thier thumbs. Even using them to ring door bells unlike people raise without smart phones.

Attention spans have gone down too. I need to be entertained now! No one has any patience anymore.

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