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24 October 2015, 23:33, (This post was last modified: 24 October 2015, 23:49 by BeardyMan.)
Some of you may or may not know that I gave up smoking a while ago and moved onto e cigarettes. Had a few of the basic ones, but last year or so I've purchased some fairly exotic (expensive) bits of kit. So imagine my surprise this evening when the Sigelei 150W TC I was sat next to exploded in a massive fireball... set my trousers alight, along with my foot and about 5 square meters of carpet in the front room. Apparently it's called a battery vent. I call it the spewing firery fuckball of death and carnage. The fucking thing shot about 3 feet iin the air, igniting everything tha the chemicals in its trail landed on (i.e me and the carpet)
Put the carpet out before I realised I was actually on fucking fire, then extinguished myself before dealing with the still burning battery... very nearly shat my pants. Thankfully we have a massive first aid supply, so the burn can be dealt with here rather than I A&E. Gutted about my trousers though, my favourite pair!! Some places it's burnt through the carpet to the underlay, had hot metal melt through itn loads of places. i

This wasn't some shitty £20 ecig set up, whole thing was about £150, all genuine bits etc.

So if anyone here is using ecigarette, please check your batteries (especially if they're Efest 18650's - throw these away!) and your set up. The sigelei is a regulated one, but the scary thing is that I wasn't even touching or using it, was just sat beside me whilst I was hacking away at the laptop. Would appear that the wrapping had a split in it somewhere which caused a short circuit.

Took the wife and children to Hunstanton today, 60 mile trip one way... Had that gone off when we were cruising on the A47 I doubt I'd be here to post anything again. Truely terrifying (and this is coming from a man who often ends up setting himself ablaze)

At least I've kicked the habit, can't stand cigarettes, and I don't think I'll be touching any of the 5 remaining vapourisers again...

I'm sure my phone moves words around for fun... well, it made sense when I typed it out Rolleyes

Oh yeah if anyone wants to buy some nice vapourisers I've got 5 left that haven't gone bang yet! Good prices for my SUK friends.
25 October 2015, 08:09,
@BM - nice case for compo methinks
25 October 2015, 08:57,
NO don,t sell em B M put em in your tactical defence kit ...f..k you have grenades .
25 October 2015, 09:34,
(25 October 2015, 08:09)River Song Wrote: @BM - nice case for compo methinks

Hi RS. My dad said pretty much the same thing. But who is liable? Just an accident surely? I know batteries certainly shouldn't explode after 6 months, and if they do go wron I wouldn't expect a fireball t be the result. Going t check with trading standards on Monday and see what they say. Be great if someone else had to pay to replace the carpet, my trews, my new keyboard and my TV remote. Got a bad feeling it'll be me though

Landlord is going to go off on one when they see the damage. I would imagine there will be a section 21 heading my way, and our new house won't be signed off until the new year.
25 October 2015, 09:45,
Time to start smoking a pipe my old chum.
25 October 2015, 10:01,
Bloody great idea TH .....hold on..... i have been for years.
25 October 2015, 10:49,
I use a istick 30w eleaf bloody good bit of kit me thinks
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
25 October 2015, 11:34,
Me too, peterson Church warden & Morelli bent Apple, although I do fancy a good old Bulldog. Gawith & Hoggarths Bosun cut plug matey, when a chap smokes that he can face the world with impunityBig Grin
25 October 2015, 11:38,
anyone stocking a fire extinguisher? don't forget a fire blanket for kitchen fires.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
25 October 2015, 12:44,
(25 October 2015, 11:38)bigpaul Wrote: anyone stocking a fire extinguisher? don't forget a fire blanket for kitchen fires.

Yes buddy, always have a fire extinguisher or three in the house! Glad I didn't have to use it though, they make one hell of a mess! Obviously better than burning the house down though. Not got a fire blanket, but I'll be picking one up today!!!

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