31 May 2016, 10:36,
prepper operator
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RE: How long would you last?
You dont need to TALK to hams to gather intel, just listen.  I can do that on my Bearcat scanner or my AM/FM/SW etc receiver
My comms are meant for LOCAL use only and INTER group thats why they are on obscure frequencies rarely used these days, and of low power so they are harder to triangulate. And folks using wire ants on their UV5rs are reaching 40 miles and accessing repeaters. We had good teachers in LS and HAL about portable wire antenna for getting the ranges we need
31 May 2016, 10:40,
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RE: How long would you last?
Must admit the Carrier Pigeon plan failed cos someone kept shooting and eating the birds, but we have a cunning plan................................Carrier Ferrets  As they say Eagles may soar but weasles dont get sucked into jet engines
FYI chaps some of the HAM guys in the US are now using DRONES to hoist very very long wires high into the sky to broadcast then obviously landing them and hiding them when not in use.
31 May 2016, 13:06,
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RE: How long would you last?
"Does the crusher completely crush normal food grade tin cans to a flat circle, or does it just dent them to make them smaller, if you know what I mean?"
Mine does crush well but its heavier duty than the one on amazon by the looks of it so shop around. Mine came from an American PX store on a US base.
Good antennas on the UV5 will help but never think you'll get 40 miles all the time and repeaters would more than likely go off air in no time at all. I like the UV5's, got a couple and for what they do are a cheap solution but NR, get your foundation license and something like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm13K69Pn7Y which will cover you for 2m and also the HF bands. They run off internal batteries, external (I use an alarm battery) and mains. The alarm battery lasted me a week in a caravan when using the rig a lot.
31 May 2016, 13:50,
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RE: How long would you last?
Hi Harry as I said before there are two schools of thought about Ham Licences, theres those who dont mind their call signs, real names and addresess being listed in multiple registers they believe the risk to them is worth the benefit of Ham Comms. Then there are those of us who dont want our details listed on a public register, plus some of us have no NEED of ham comms, we are served well enough by legal and illegal PMR, and AM/FM/SSB 12 watt CB. My UV5rcs are reprogrammed only to use the 8 analogue and 8 digital PMR channels, they give me all the local inter family and intergroup com capacity I need.
31 May 2016, 19:13,
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RE: How long would you last?
You don't have to have all your details banded about all over the internet LOL, get your chitty and start learning REAL comms skills, if you get bored learn Morse code too, your 5w will take you a long way.
I'm on several forums, I never use the same handle, I live somewhere in the west midlands (big area) and while your supposed to notify Offcom of a change of address or QRZ.com...shucks I may have forgotten as I'm not bothered about QSL cards and I never give out my call sign on forums other than dedicated ham forums.
Drones hoisting wire? Interesting they must be powerful and the wire very thin... its would seem to be solving a problem that really does not exist. Not long ago I worked New Zealand on ten watts CW (Morse), can't do that every time unless mother nature is helping but...its possible.
FYI (don't know where you live) you can't use 431.0 - 432.0 within 100K distance of Kings Cross.
I understand your need for CB/UV5's but they would be little more than an intercom with friends and thats if they work when the repeaters go silent.
If you want a good multiband reciever look at the Tecsu range or classic Grundig Satelit radios, great bits of kit and if you only want to listen you don't need much by way of antenna... a bit of wire will do.
I don't want to appear blunt but I guess its the army in me, when I come across a brick wall logic won't dent I go a tad full on mate.
31 May 2016, 19:16,
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RE: How long would you last?
31 May 2016, 19:17,
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RE: How long would you last?
Try again, TECSUN, never reply from a bloody phone
31 May 2016, 19:51,
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RE: How long would you last?
PMRs are on 446 and the only others using that up here are Quarry workers, I dont need to speak more than 8 miles line of sight so Hams are just not neccessary. But around here game keepers, and poachers use CB as does Raynet and the 4x4 clubs plus a few eejits of course. After TSHTF I wont be hailing anyone outside my family group I've already been burnt by some folks I once trusted.
31 May 2016, 19:53,
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RE: How long would you last?
"I don't want to appear blunt but I guess its the army in me, when I come across a brick wall logic won't dent I go a tad full on mate."
In my regiment The LI we learned to go round obstacles
31 May 2016, 19:56,
prepper operator
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RE: How long would you last?
I have a Bearcat Scanner and an Eton world band AM/FM/SW , Air and Marine band receiver............... I listen to Star Radio on em
Still think Messenger ferrets have potential.