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FRANCE - Amiens is hit by 'urban guerrilla warfare'
15 August 2012, 12:48,
RE: FRANCE - Amiens is hit by 'urban guerrilla warfare'
Sorry but your point is?
Yes they were scum, no moral standards and all that but who's faults that?

Respect for others?
Kids soon find out that they could get away with anything. Courtesy of the state.
Schools and parents can't discipline them because the state says it's not allowed.
Kids were given rights and pushed to use them. Were they the right rights? Probably not but who gave them their rights? The state and the law makers.

Police and the courts controlling them?
They were. Right up to the time that the political correct lobbyists butted in.
Then their hands were tied and the kids all know that.

Cultural and religious factors
Culture in some groups dictates that you HAVE to have a criminal record to be someone.
Certain religious groups openly abuse and attack our religion but that's OK because we have free speech. Once again courtesy of the politically correct brigade.

Society owed them?
That's because they were brought up in a state system that encouraged handouts, idleness, and dissent because some idiot politician was being politically correct.

We are a multicultural nation and certain ethnic groups and religions can get away with anything.
Why? Because the state being all politically correct said they could.

Then the state says "not our fault", yeah right.

Yes we can blame the kids because they did the damage yet the real problem, i.e. the politicians, carry on regardless making new stupid but politically correct laws that do nothing but encourage dissent..


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RE: FRANCE - Amiens is hit by 'urban guerrilla warfare' - by Paul - 15 August 2012, 12:48

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