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What states allow hunting with dogs?
2 November 2021, 00:08,
RE: What states allow hunting with dogs?
I differ in opinion slightly to both of you.

I do not see the present situation ever presented before in history. Never has the entire globe continued to give to their people even after bankruptcy was inevitable.

The closest thing I can relate to the present is the economic situation at the end of WW2, when England had borrowed so much in the course of the war that the nation was at a debt ratio of 150%+, and wound up paying on the debt until 2006.

That was the cause of the "austerity" after the war that no one under 60 can remember, or believes actually happened. It was the grandchildren of the people that fought WW2 that finished that debt.

That was the reason rationing went on until 1957, petrol was taxed out the wazoo to the point that the average person could not afford to drive, consumer products were impossible to get past import tariffs and your tax rate went to near 80%.

"Austerity" was engineered to keep the UK producing, and its purchasing isolated to UK made products with restrictions on importation of consumer goods so every penny stayed at home to be taxed for payment of the national debt.

The point being that EVERY nation on earth has been thrown into that same situation by covid policies and needless payments to the people to stave off collapse by revolution. We have been given our grandchildren's entire lifetime tax payment in a 2 year period.

Now I see and hear people talking about not being able to make do without the government 20 pound per week payments!!! They made do before covid without them, they can get by without them now. It is simply proof of the old saying that once a program starts there will be no stop to it.

Every economy in the world is presently bankrupt. The entire globe is running on monopoly money. I know that has been a cry for decades, but it currently is unsurpassed in truth.

The U.S is 106% negative to GNP and we are borrowing to pay the interest on our debt, Japan is over 200% negative. (most countries default at 165%+-) The World Bank has suspended collection of debt from most of the 3rd world so as to not force them to default.

How will it be paid for? The only way it can be done, in your case, is moving the VAT to 100%, taxing income at 80% and increasing import tariffs accordingly.

In the case of the U.S. it now costs nearly $29,000 to dock and dispatch each container at port. That cost 2 years ago was $2,000. All of that is increased tariff. It is also one of the reasons container ships are floating off shore waiting to land or have turned around and returned to Asia without unloading. And we are going to have to realize that massive tax increases are in our futures.

Before you say that the people will not stand for it consider that "the people" have no alternative. Each nation will soon be demanding their due from every other nation and if payment can not be made or scheduled then resources and assets will be seized and the international bailiffs are inside your borders looking about for things to haul away.

It will not matter who you vote for or which party is in charge when the money bucket runs dry, all credit has been shut off and the World Bank is knocking at the door. All promises will be lies, because there is nothing to give.

The U.S. is presently in a situation where our president, in his state of dementia, is continuing to press for "social reform" when even the most radical members of his own party are voting down his give-away programs because there simply is no more money.

That is a new first experience for our liberal party. Never in their memory have we actually run out of money. There has always been more money somewhere!

Their scream is usually to "tax the rich!" "Tax the corporations!" But they are finding themselves in the position that they need the rich to fund their election runs, and they have been warned off that resource. The major corporations also fund and support a huge part of our election machine. That as the basis of our last phony election. Taxing small business is also a bit risky when the economy is diving like a scared whale.

There is only one seemingly inevitable outcome. That is a massive World War that erases every economy, reduces the world population by at least 50%, and sets the life expectations of everyone left back to the level of being happy with mere subsistence.

Before you say "Never!" think back to the early 1960s, when there were still bombed out ruins in the major cities of England, no one you knew owned a car, the Beatles could not buy a Fender guitar because of tariffs and were complaining about paying 80% tax on personal income.

And now you look back on that era as "the good old days"!
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.

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RE: What states allow hunting with dogs? - by LAC - 30 October 2021, 10:27
RE: What states allow hunting with dogs? - by Mortblanc - 2 November 2021, 00:08
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RE: What states allow hunting with dogs? - by MaryN - 2 November 2021, 20:15
RE: What states allow hunting with dogs? - by MaryN - 3 November 2021, 18:44

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