Poll: Where do you live
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4 13.79%
Large Town
3 10.34%
Small Town
4 13.79%
2 6.90%
Semi Rural
11 37.93%
5 17.24%
Total 29 vote(s) 100%
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Where do you live ?
3 November 2012, 11:52,
RE: Where do you live ?
Interesting that out of 27 votes so far only 4 posters actually live in a rural location. Even if you include semi rural (which is open to interpretation, when is a large village a small town?) then it still means that 45% of people who voted live in towns/cities/suburbs.

I'm interested because as I mentioned in the OP lots of threads suggest that rural (or semi rural Smile ) is the only way to go, but 45% of the people who voted, including me, live in more urban areas. No doubt some want to move out of the urban areas but others like myself choose to live there.

I would humbly suggest m'lord that not all urban dwellers go Baaa and have fluffy white coats Smile

You have the right to hold any beliefs you want. You do not have the right to have those beliefs automatically respected
3 November 2012, 11:58,
RE: Where do you live ?
(3 November 2012, 11:52)IB1 Wrote: I would humbly suggest m'lord that not all urban dwellers go Baaa and have fluffy white coats Smile

Rolleyes Only 99.99% `eh? WinkTongueBig Grin

Dodgy If you always have, on your person, at least 2 ways to make fire, you might be a prepper. Tongue
3 November 2012, 12:59,
RE: Where do you live ?
Smile Probably

On a serious note though, nearly every prepping and survival site focuses on rural prepping as being the ideal and it probably is, but in my totally unscientific survey 45% of preppers live in towns and cities so their focus should be on learning to survive in that environment, at least initially, and if you arent moving to a rural location any time soon then learning to survive in your current environment possibly for the long term should be very high on your agenda.

It's very easy to say that you should bugger off to the countryside at the first sign of trouble, but you might not get there, you might not get there with your kit, and you might not receive a warm welcome from farmer giles and his shotgun if you do get there. Unless you have somewhere to go where you know the locals and are fortunate enough to get out in time, then at least some thought should be put into surviving in an urban area

If 45% of preppers live in urban areas then urban prepping should be given a lot more thought, it just seems that the only advice often given on many prepping sites is to get out and that anyone who doesn't is a sheep

Baaaa Smile

You have the right to hold any beliefs you want. You do not have the right to have those beliefs automatically respected
3 November 2012, 13:47,
RE: Where do you live ?
A conservation village in rolling farmland, but only 7 miles away from a town of 30,000 people in one direction and 5 miles from a town of 15,000 in the other direction. Not ideal at all.
3 November 2012, 13:48,
RE: Where do you live ?
if someone can survive in a city environment post SHTF then fair play to them! however, seeing what the cities where like in the riots last year....post SHTF will be like that only X times worse, if you have no electric, no heating, no hot water, no cooking facilities like in New York now and you live in a tower block say with no chimney or fire place, the shops have been picked clean, and the looters and street gangs are roaming everywhere, i dont think you will survive for very long!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
3 November 2012, 14:14,
RE: Where do you live ?
(3 November 2012, 13:48)bigpaul Wrote: if someone can survive in a city environment post SHTF then fair play to them! however, seeing what the cities where like in the riots last year....post SHTF will be like that only X times worse, if you have no electric, no heating, no hot water, no cooking facilities like in New York now and you live in a tower block say with no chimney or fire place, the shops have been picked clean, and the looters and street gangs are roaming everywhere, i dont think you will survive for very long!

I disagree, the riots are a very good example of how you can survive. Did you see the groups of asians and turks who grouped together to protect their property ? No one went near them.

As I said in another post, a prepared group will have a very good chance of surviving in a city where there is no law as there will be no rules in place that prevent them from doing what is required.

The point i am making is that just dismissing urban prepping as a waste of time is not only wrong and misinformed but also ignores the fact that nearly half of preppers (probably more i expect) actually live in urban areas.

You have the right to hold any beliefs you want. You do not have the right to have those beliefs automatically respected
3 November 2012, 14:28,
RE: Where do you live ?
(3 November 2012, 14:14)IB1 Wrote: I disagree, the riots are a very good example of how you can survive. Did you see the groups of asians and turks who grouped together to protect their property ? No one went near them.

As I said in another post, a prepared group will have a very good chance of surviving in a city where there is no law as there will be no rules in place that prevent them from doing what is required.

The point i am making is that just dismissing urban prepping as a waste of time is not only wrong and misinformed but also ignores the fact that nearly half of preppers (probably more i expect) actually live in urban areas.

sure , the asians protected their own, but i'm neither Turkish nor Moslem, the white majority will fight amongst themselves and get picked off by the blacks, moslems, turks, street gangs and the rest. dont forget there are vastly more people living in the cities and urban centres than anywhere else and the resourses will soon be picked clean. just because half of preppers live in the city DOSENT make it the place to be when TSHTF, still if you think you or anyone else can survive in the city then go for it, time and events will prove which philosophy is rightBig Grin i dont want to be in a city NOW much less after TSHTF.

Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
3 November 2012, 16:18,
RE: Where do you live ?
this is how living after TSHTF will be for city dwellers: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-...power.html
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
3 November 2012, 17:14,
RE: Where do you live ?

I totally agree with IB1.
Urban prepping is rarely given lip service and yet this poll has proven almost half those who have thus far voted live in some sort of urban environment.
I always get a good laugh when the same old chestnut of riots in the towns will be the death of every town dweller and only those tucked away in the countryside will be safe... WRONG! By the general consensus of some on this board, they will be running to the countryside, and if their abilities are to be believed, they won't be taking any prisoners, but will take what they need. So don't go getting all complacent that safety is green, because it ain't.
I get pretty ticked off when some people can only see country prepping as the only worthwhile prepping. And I notice it's those who live in the country who continually do this. If you live in the country, well bully for you, those of us who don't need to start sharing our own thoughts and ideas with each other, without some smartar$e telling us the riots will kill you and moving to the country is the only safe place to be.
Well, now that's off my chest, I feel a lot better.

Sailing away, not close to the wind.Heart
3 November 2012, 17:19,
RE: Where do you live ?
(3 November 2012, 17:14)TOF Wrote: I totally agree with IB1.
Urban prepping is rarely given lip service and yet this poll has proven almost half those who have thus far voted live in some sort of urban environment.
I always get a good laugh when the same old chestnut of riots in the towns will be the death of every town dweller and only those tucked away in the countryside will be safe... WRONG! By the general consensus of some on this board, they will be running to the countryside, and if their abilities are to be believed, they won't be taking any prisoners, but will take what they need. So don't go getting all complacent that safety is green, because it ain't.
I get pretty ticked off when some people can only see country prepping as the only worthwhile prepping. And I notice it's those who live in the country who continually do this. If you live in the country, well bully for you, those of us who don't need to start sharing our own thoughts and ideas with each other, without some smartar$e telling us the riots will kill you and moving to the country is the only safe place to be.
Well, now that's off my chest, I feel a lot better.
i bet your glad your not in America still with all that is going on in New York though!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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