We have the makings of about 5 different threads here.
As for the effect of arrows on Kevlar, there are many tests of almost everything that can be shot at Kevlar so there is no real need to keep professing opinion as fact. The truth is out there, just google it.
As for the spread of shotgun pellets; open choke spreads at the rate of 2.5cm per meter traveled. 10m=25cm pattern.
Buckshot, depending on its size (000b/00b) is considered lethal to 50m, slugs to 100. Many over here shoot deer with slugs and kill them out to 100m easily.
Glass and salt are not heavy enough to carry any distance and usually disappear as a puff of dust when they exit the bore. Been there/done that.
A shotgun shell containing 7 1/2 shot can be pried open and glue squirted in. Turns the shot mass into a solid projectile. Works but not consistently.
One can also remove the shot, melt it and pour it into a simple sand mold made by poking a hole in the sand with a stick whittled to bore size. Been there and done that too, long ago in an emergency situation.
I have molds for recasting shot into 12 and 20 bore single round balls. Also have molds for casting buckshot.