I think I may have got my wife a little bit more on board. All thanks to watching the news.
Watching the footage of the hurricane/typhoon in the Philippines, she commented "poor things" when some kids were scrapping over some bottled water. I immediately picked up on it & told her it could very well be our kids. The conversation went on for a bit, mentioning Katrina, Sandy & how people in the supposed richest nation in the world were starving after & nobody helped them. Then I asked her (I know it was nasty of me, but it worked), could she look our kids in the eye after they've not eaten for 4 days & tell them it's her fault & if she listened to me, they would've had food. She agreed to storing some emergency food, just incase. This is on top of her letting me buy a months worth of food at once (though as we use it, we end up with very little at the end of the month) & letting me apply for my SGC.
A few minutes later though, came her conditions
• only 7 days worth (I'm sure I can prep big portions then ration them if/when needed)
• only if we can fit it into our food cupboards (which are packed normally after our food shop)
• she only wants things like beans, hot dogs, soup etc..
Although her conditions seem quite restrictive & limiting, I'm sure I can talk her round some more. I hope.